Halle-flippin-luyah...the AVO835 is on route... | on ElectriciansForums

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Jan 28, 2012
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At last,after a period of one year's worth of excuses,from Megger,the long awaited AVO835 is actually available:D

After being allowed a play with one,a long while back,they did not release it for sale,and had run out of viable reasons for evading my money.

I have allowed a short period of settling,just in case the said item was just a fancy looking novelty radio...anywho,i have one ordered,and can't wait to see if it proves to be as useful,as it promises :)
Drool, drool.....
[ElectriciansForums.net] Halle-flippin-luyah...the AVO835 is on route...

woww click on the image.... scary.
Yep,it may be a sad admission,but i am really looking forward to giving it a baptism of fire,in the field.
It should replace 2 or 3 three other bits of kit (not that i'll be getting rid of them:cool: ) and should simplify some fault finding operations,where meter swapping,just adds another thing to do...:)

....But don't worry,although i am partial to the odd Megger device,if it's bobbins - i WILL tell you :rage:
Well,it's less than a quarter of the price,of a late mobile device....and i don't intend dropping/losing/crushing it;)

It should,if all else is equal,be easy enough for it to pay for itself,on the right task.

I'm giddy with anticipation,for it's Saturday arrival....if it's in three halves,or someone has swapped it for a Rolf Harris Stylophone...i will need tasering :D
Well,it's landed ;) and i've been playing with it constantly....some snazzy features,including a few surprises...

Up to now,the only minor gripe,was the temperature probe connector needed a little teasing of the crossed male prongs,to keep it firm in the test sockets,but i've forgiven it already :cool:

I will share any startling features,but the min/max/av function,may be handy...mini data logging,10 minute time-out can be bypassed,and batteries are good for 150 hours with no backlight,so...

Have to admit to willing it a success,as it was not free,and i have waited VERY patiently for me toy,but my testing will continue...

...Oh,it has a "volt-stick" feature,with a change of sensitivity and everything :oops: ....like a fat,expensive neon :sleepy:
Yep,nowt wrong with that model,had a few versions and done some battery mods on them.
My go-to tester for 6 - 24V dc gear,so automotive,plant,etc,is a Mac-Tools piece of kit,which is 30 years old. It is safe for use on electronic systems,and i can more or less,ID a possible source or component,from the colour and differential,between the two LED's :cool:

I have a "new" one,i purchased as a spare,some 10 years ago,just in case it got dropped,but i think they still have it in production.

Some lads still insist on having an old Drummond,or the new MTL20,against all the other modern style options,as there is a certain comfort,in the stalwarts ;)
Right then....i did say,i would be sharing ALL my experiences,warts an' all...and it's got warty :sleepy:

During my testing,of all it's functions,some pretty major issues came to light,which lead me to believe,the build quality of this particular device,is not up to scratch.

I will go in to detail,regarding these faults,when i have calmed down....the supplier and Megger,have been sent a video regarding the issues,and have accepted a return and refund.

I am genuinely disappointed,having looked forward to using this device,for 2 years,and yesterday,falling back to the 410,it should have replaced.

As this is Meggers "flagship" DMM,i will be looking to another marque,for the device required,probably Fluke. The 117 initially looked the part,but i think i'll add a few quid,and go for the 28ii,hoping they're not from the same Indonesian factory ;)
@PEG I've got the Fluke 179. It has never missed a beat.

However, I believe the quality of Flukes DMMs has decreased in the last few years when they changed manufacturing countries.

Just looked over the specs of the AVO, what is it specifically you were needing it to perform that you were willing to wait 2 years for?

Or was it more of a shiny new toy situation?
Yep,i like the notion of a tiny excuse to buy toys:)
I didn't wait the two years....bought a rake of toys,in that period,it was just how long it took,from trying one,to being able to have one sold to me.
Every once in a while,you see a device,which you know on a particular job,would save having two or maybe three others....and this was one.

I do admit to looking at one thing,and then seeing another behind it....and wanting that:)
I've bought torches,guns and properties,just like that.

I'm now between a Fluke and an Agilent.....could be worse....could be a rock and a .....wots the other? :cool:
You're right...and you're not helping my addiction:cool:

The 179 is a cracking tool,i just have a vision of an old Robin meter,i had,tumbling in to 5000 litres of human waste...and wishing i could have just run it under a tap,afterwards:sleepy: the 28ii will stand that :cool:
old Robin meter,i had,tumbling in to 5000 litres of human waste
I dropped my favourite Robin analogue insulation and continuity tester in a similar sort of fashion, though I dropped mine beside a toilet rather than in any waste, the taut band broke and that was the end of that. :cry:

I've got 2 more so it's OK now.
I dropped my favourite Robin analogue insulation and continuity tester in a similar sort of fashion, though I dropped mine beside a toilet rather than in any waste, the taut band broke and that was the end of that. :cry:

I've got 2 more so it's OK now.

....Like it:cool: ...why buy one more,when you can have 2 more :)
Well,all things equal,i should have yet another toy to play with,in the morning;)

A 28ii is on route:cool: not bought from the yellow stable,for a while,i hope my existing grey,black,red and green devices,make it welcome ;)
The 28ii? ....only had it for 12 hours,but it seems the business:D

After my previous excitement was muted,i will continue playing with this,until all it's functions are demonstrated...which means a visit to some VSD set-ups,and similar.

It does feel indestructible,and the stated spec,allows for a washing machine clean,at 40 degrees;)

Twist guard leads are nice,lantern tips removable,and clips not bad,although i will add a larger set.

There are a lot of additional features,some are enabled with a "power up" method,and these would have been handy,listed on the Quick Reference Guide,but i am already revising,for my weekend exam:cool:
[ElectriciansForums.net] Halle-flippin-luyah...the AVO835 is on route...
Well,i can report that the new 28ii is a very nice bit of kit.

I spent a week or so,getting to know all it's functions,and finding ways of using them,in real-world type of situations,and have not been disappointed.

I have used it on a couple of tasks,where it's variety of ranges,including temperature,enabled the use of one device,which was handy. Twistguard leads are very nice,and i bought another set,for use on another non-Fluke device :)
Twistguard leads are very nice,and i bought another set,for use on another non-Fluke device :)

I have the twist guard leads for my fluke 119. However they are a very tight fit in the holders at the back of the meter. (My 119 is probably 8 years old now).

Have they changed the design on the newer models to make them fit better when you wrap the leads up around the meter?
Hi,i take it yours has the rubber case with clip-ins,at the rear?

Mine does not have these,as it is a lump of a thing,to start with,and that facility adds further depth :)

I would very rarely do the wrapping thing,as in the past,a drop,scuff or impact,in that state,always means the leads cop for it.

I have not owned a large range of Fluke equipment,but used it enough. They have some excellent extras,but as always,some could be improved or be cheaper.

Their magnetic hanger looked useful,but on inspection,seemed expensive. I chose to make my own,using some webbing,and an incredibly powerful little rubber covered magnet,i obtained,from the cable containment gear,on off-shore wind turbine towers;)

I can almost dangle meself,off it...so probably overkill :cool:
I wrap them just for that very purpose. I'd rather replace a set of 10 - 30 quid leads than a meter.

However my 119 has been thoroughly abused, dropped, taken in the rain, out in quarries, dusty, hot, freezing environments.

Doesn't look as pretty anymore, still works and passes calibration every quarter still. I should maybe treat myself to a shiny new one for the workshop. Keep getting tempted.
Hey,Rob,mine does have recesses for probes,in the back...didn't even see them!

They are tight,i suppose due to allowance for the rubber softening. Still lovin'it :)
Right...wet Monday,here,so bit of an update,regarding the two kids (meters)

Firstly,the one that went back to the maternity clinic...the AVO835. I have to admit,to being very disappointed with this yoke...having waited for it's eventual release,some 24 months,it was evident why there was probably such a delay.

I believe the design and build quality,to be lower than required,and this has maybe contributed to a lack of reliability,which would explain the repeated failure to stick to a stated release date.

Basically,on certain range settings,the meter would glitch out of it's setting,at random. It could be switched back in and out,by a gentle press on the front panel,or squeezing. I made a video of this occurring,and it was easily repeatable.

The meter came with the usual test/calibration certs,so,it was either not tried,or failed on it's journey to me,in a very comfy box,so not confidence inspiring...

The other option,would be,that it just wasn't made correctly...either just that one...or all of them,again,not good.

There was no dispute with my return of the device,or reason,so not the end of the world,just a black mark in a copy-book.

So,the second baby, Fluke 28ii,was delivered,and has been potty trained and fed,in order to give an opinion.

Fantastic bit of kit :) used it as much as possible,to test all it's functions...even used the temp probe,to check core temp of a steak,while away camping ;) love it,and definitely glad i chose it,over other devices.

Just a final note...my 11 year old noted it was "a bit of a lump..." so,i had to explain that the first mobile phone,his dad owned,weighed 4 times as much,and was twice the size o_O ...i'm still not 100% sure,he believes me!
Right...wet Monday,here,so bit of an update,regarding the two kids (meters)

Firstly,the one that went back to the maternity clinic...the AVO835. I have to admit,to being very disappointed with this yoke...having waited for it's eventual release,some 24 months,it was evident why there was probably such a delay.

I believe the design and build quality,to be lower than required,and this has maybe contributed to a lack of reliability,which would explain the repeated failure to stick to a stated release date.

Basically,on certain range settings,the meter would glitch out of it's setting,at random. It could be switched back in and out,by a gentle press on the front panel,or squeezing. I made a video of this occurring,and it was easily repeatable.

The meter came with the usual test/calibration certs,so,it was either not tried,or failed on it's journey to me,in a very comfy box,so not confidence inspiring...

The other option,would be,that it just wasn't made correctly...either just that one...or all of them,again,not good.

There was no dispute with my return of the device,or reason,so not the end of the world,just a black mark in a copy-book.

So,the second baby, Fluke 28ii,was delivered,and has been potty trained and fed,in order to give an opinion.

Fantastic bit of kit :) used it as much as possible,to test all it's functions...even used the temp probe,to check core temp of a steak,while away camping ;) love it,and definitely glad i chose it,over other devices.

Just a final note...my 11 year old noted it was "a bit of a lump..." so,i had to explain that the first mobile phone,his dad owned,weighed 4 times as much,and was twice the size o_O ...i'm still not 100% sure,he believes me!
well show him this.it was my first mobile phone. was just a bit smaller than a house brick.
[ElectriciansForums.net] Halle-flippin-luyah...the AVO835 is on route...

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