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Gentlemen for all our trade is the major conduit for delivery and utilisation of what is a very infantile energy system (The first multi phase power system is only 120 years old) a baby in the scheme of things.
With no intention what so ever of going into detail there are electrical systems which effectively free run however my only intention here was to point out to you that there is ( at least one) free running , totally clean, very high power, very efficient system which is not being utilised.
I opted for this example because a/ It hasn't (And cant ever be patented) b/ Its absolutely undeniable because it was used to power cities and mines and working examples are still to be seen.
The usual reaction to systems of which folks are unaware (such as the Trompe) is to try and make the issue - personal – This so called climate change is not a personal issue its rather a society issue.
And incidently if I were to promote and build it, no – I wouldn't be a millionaire (and I doubt it would ever see the light of day, or me for much longer)
As Bill Mollison tells you its an extremely efficient system . Building cost ? - a hole. Compared to a Nuclear power station ?
In order to understand the corruption of most peoples education regarding energy might I respectfully suggest this multi award winning documentary , It clearly shows the massive intrusion into the education system, The domination of the medical industry worldwide via huge pharmaceutical concerns. This then is the start of who really runs the world and it certainly isn't governments.

As electricians I believe we are honour bound to have a basic understanding of the commodity we transport and utilize – ENERGY - Its a very murky subject
Kindest Regards Duncan
So,although as you say, it is "absolutely undeniable,that compressed air, powered mining" was provided by engine driven pumps,not subterranean douches.

One of the earliest pioneers of mining engineering,was Cornwall based Holman,who not only made pneumatic equipment,but also had ready access to hundreds of the deepest ready-made holes,in the world.

I have studied many of that associated industries "engines" (not in the IC sense) which were tried and discarded,in the attempts to provide power,ventilation,pumping and access. There are obvious flaws in your chaps video,which negate the operation,as he describes.

He would not need a million dollar hole,to demonstrate function....a block of flats,tower or similar,would suffice for demo purposes,even if it only provided sufficient wind for a dozen novelty Greta balloons.

At the possible risk of being judged harsh...the two overiding impressions i get from that video,are apart from the lecturer, having the whiff of a hospital maintenance spark,i feel 140 years ago,he would be at the rear of a covered wagon,with a mangle,extracting the oil from a snake ?
Just to keep in the spirit of things with all the COP 26 and all that here is Bill whatisname and his amazing "Trompe" lecture !

Thank you for re-posting Eric I didn't know how to - with a little research Eric you'll find Bill Mollison was part of a dedicated group teaching "Permaculture" Bill alas is now dead.
The big oil ambitions which I link to in another Video are coming to pass using the likes of COP 26 and the medical mafia (which has been used to usurp governments.)
presently under the guise of 'sustainable development' which in turn falls under the Rockefeller founded and funded United Nations, agenda 2030 has been signed up to by 195 countries (and certainly all the major countries) outlines how 'global warming' is to be utilized
They call their ploy 'sustainable development' sounds good doesn't it ? – It isn't and its very very different to Permaculture.
I stress this is not conspiracy theory Its available to view in government documents. In short its there – Its work in progress – WWW it if in any doubt

And the medical industries ? - well we electricians are trained in electro- magnetics right ? well enlighten me here would you

View attachment Whats with the magnets .mp4

should you be amused or interested the full report is here
Amazing Polly - What's With The Magnets? -

Kind regards Duncan
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Thank you for re-posting Eric I didn't know how to - with a little research Eric you'll find Bill Mollison was part of a dedicated group teaching "Permaculture" Bill alas is now dead.
The big oil ambitions which I link to in another Video are coming to pass using the likes of COP 26 and the medical mafia (which has been used usurp governments.)
presently under the guise of 'sustainable development' which in turn falls under the Rockefeller founded and funded United Nations, agenda 2030 has been signed up to by 195 countries (and certainly all the major countries) outlines how 'global warming' is to be utilized
They call their ploy 'sustainable development' sounds good doesn't it ? – It isn't and its very very different to Permaculture.
I stress this is not conspiracy theory Its available to view in government documents. In short its there – Its work in progress – WWW it if in any doubt

And the medical industries ? - well we electricians are trained in electro- magnetics right ? well enlighten me here would you

View attachment 91640

should you be amused or interested the full report is here
Amazing Polly - What's With The Magnets? -

Kind regards Duncan

Right, so the vaccine is making people magnetic? Err, OK.

You seem to have deviated from your free energy machine - any reason for moving on to conspiracy theories?

Here's a simple test - why don't we all try sticking metal forks to our foreheads. Also, ask our friends and colleagues to do this. It is easy and won't take long. And then let's get some figures and percentages worked out. I presume you have no issue with this?
So,although as you say, it is "absolutely undeniable,that compressed air, powered mining" was provided by engine driven pumps,not subterranean douches.

One of the earliest pioneers of mining engineering,was Cornwall based Holman,who not only made pneumatic equipment,but also had ready access to hundreds of the deepest ready-made holes,in the world.

I have studied many of that associated industries "engines" (not in the IC sense) which were tried and discarded,in the attempts to provide power,ventilation,pumping and access. There are obvious flaws in your chaps video,which negate the operation,as he describes.

He would not need a million dollar hole,to demonstrate function....a block of flats,tower or similar,would suffice for demo purposes,even if it only provided sufficient wind for a dozen novelty Greta balloons.

At the possible risk of being judged harsh...the two overiding impressions i get from that video,are apart from the lecturer, having the whiff of a hospital maintenance spark,i feel 140 years ago,he would be at the rear of a covered wagon,with a mangle,extracting the oil from a snake ?

First thank you for engaging in the post however please revise the video's shown – The compressed air is certainly not from engine driven pumps – what you write makes me certain you have not watched the videos provided.
A/ – There are no moving parts what so ever in this system and certainly no 'engine' anywhere
B/ There is no loss of water – ergo the head of water remains the same before and after 'the machine'
C/ In the example given ragged chutes was a mega watt system driving three large mines the town and the transport system
D/ The generation system is air entrainment – I really don't mind your observations as my reply could well help others who can't/wont comprehend. Its hard to comprehend that a high power heavy duty perfectly clean system isn't being used.
E/ If you are not happy with Bill Mollisons lecture the original builder of the Ragged chutes system was Englishman Chaz Taylor his engineering notes are still available – should you care to actually watch the video's
and research, - engine? moving parts --- where??

-Kind regards Duncan
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Right, so the vaccine is making people magnetic? Err, OK.

You seem to have deviated from your free energy machine - any reason for moving on to conspiracy theories?

Here's a simple test - why don't we all try sticking metal forks to our foreheads. Also, ask our friends and colleagues to do this. It is easy and won't take long. And then let's get some figures and percentages worked out. I presume you have no issue with this?
Hi DPG - I doubt that will be conclusive I rather think the magnet test has to be done ASAP after the jab jab. And no DPG the thread is not about a particular machine and certainly not about this particular machine - I used the example because it can't be de-bunked pls review the thread title - 'The Global plan' I am however happy to supply historical figures on this machine -- such as I have. In the mean time I respectfully suggest you watch the documenteries presented. They do -at least for me- interconnect and make a very unpleasent whole for our children and Grandchildren .
Hi DPG - I doubt that will be conclusive I rather think the magnet test has to be done ASAP after the jab jab. And no DPG the thread is not about a particular machine and certainly not about this particular machine - I used the example because it can't be de-bunked pls review the thread title - 'The Global plan' I am however happy to supply historical figures on this machine -- such as I have. In the mean time I respectfully suggest you watch the documenteries presented. They do -at least for me- interconnect and make a very unpleasent whole for our children and Grandchildren .

I watched the 'magnetic vaccine' video in full. It offers nothing in the way of scientific evidence. And the random video clips of people getting giddy with forks and spoons is frankly childish. This alone negates my confidence or belief in anything you say unfortunately.
Right, so the vaccine is making people magnetic? Err, OK.

You seem to have deviated from your free energy machine - any reason for moving on to conspiracy theories?

Here's a simple test - why don't we all try sticking metal forks to our foreheads. Also, ask our friends and colleagues to do this. It is easy and won't take long. And then let's get some figures and percentages worked out. I presume you have no issue with this?

I doubt that would be conclusive I get the impression that ASAP after the jab jab is what's required - still I have no issues - why should I ? - Kind regards Duncan
I watched the 'magnetic vaccine' video in full. It offers nothing in the way of scientific evidence. And the random video clips of people getting giddy with forks and spoons is frankly childish. This alone negates my confidence or belief in anything you say unfortunately.
Fair enough - not really the video I intended you to research, however I'm sad to see you leave the thread . hope we find common ground else where - kind regards Duncan
PS Its not really things I'm saying , rather things other folks are saying usually wiser than me, I simply project and unite what they say . again YOU SAY is personal -- I don't say !! I put forward for consideration , simple as regards Duncan
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Fair enough - not really the video I intended you to research, however I'm sad to see you leave the thread . hope we find common ground else where - kind regards Duncan

Is that it? You don't even remotely try and justify the contents of a video you have posted?

Makes a mockery of anything you post to be honest.
Right, so the vaccine is making people magnetic? Err, OK.

You seem to have deviated from your free energy machine - any reason for moving on to conspiracy theories?

Here's a simple test - why don't we all try sticking metal forks to our foreheads. Also, ask our friends and colleagues to do this. It is easy and won't take long. And then let's get some figures and percentages worked out. I presume you have no issue with this?
Better stay away from the scrap yard then incase the car lifting magnet sucks me up
Is that it? You don't even remotely try and justify the contents of a video you have posted?

Makes a mockery of anything you post to be honest.
That video is an 'aside' I did take a magnet into my local and tried it on the barman who had just had his jab jab - It did stick - make what you will of that . I attach a book for your interest . Is it true ? it certaintly isn't personal ,I didn't write it. however I suggest you dip your toes in it. It is a history of elect'ric and its effect on our planet - perhaps


  • The_INVISIBLE_RAINBOW_A_History_of_Elect.pdf
    5.5 MB · Views: 4
That video is an 'aside' I did take a magnet into my local and tried it on the barman who had just had his jab jab - It did stick - make what you will of that . I attach a book for your interest . Is it true ? it certaintly isn't personal ,I didn't write it. however I suggest you dip your toes in it.

I think I'll pass thanks. As I say, you have no credibility.
You may need to check the ergo no loss of head......

We could rotate forever,but i suppose the fact the example at Ragged Chutes was dismantled,and a Hydro-electric facility built next door,answers the question of capability...

Keep looking up,for the claw ?
You may need to check the ergo no loss of head......

We could rotate forever,but i suppose the fact the example at Ragged Chutes was dismantled,and a Hydro-electric facility built next door,answers the question of capability...

Keep looking up,for the claw ?
there is a power play you are missing - it will take three short video's -- ragged chutes was dismantled - why ?
no moving parts , cost nothing , -- Energy -- you are determined to bark up the wrong tree - seems you are determined to try and make it personal and question my cred -- here's why - and the video is from the time so X3 I'm afraid
1st part -
2nd part
3rd part
worry not telectrix elec'trc is a vast subject and most of it isn't taught and what is taught is corrupted one way or another. what I post here will seem to weave in and out of subject because the technology itself is heavily suppressed what clearly connects for me for a time may seem jibberish to you , all I ask is take in what you can for the time being. Quite apart from being an electrician I have also been trained over the years in HF radio , High voltage transmission and PLC s to name a few fields so It might get a bit bumpy as I use terms which might not be familiar -- kindest regards Duncan
Interesting that my personal credibility should be brought into question rather than the material presented . Despite the fact that we are electricians we live in an era when the official stance is we have no idea of what it is there is no unified field theory. The electrical theory you will have been taught is really a 'best bet' from a lot of sub atomic options. As you throw 2.5mm cable about it doesn't really make a jot of difference, however once you start to consider the universe and everything in it is electrical it becomes very important indeed.
This now becomes a vast complex subject on its own and so to get a grasp of the alternatives 'needs must' I rely on others, – This being so as this unfolds don't question my credibility like everyone I can make mistakes however by all means question the content I present.
I have discovered the forum allows me to present small video clips – a very nice feature . I then propose to present snippets of content that will cause you a very sharp intake of breath – then link to the full documentary should you have the time and interest to follow it . Please keep in mind however the thread is – The Global plan – The plan arranged for your children and Grandchildren.
It too has an electrical base but not one in the public domain
The transformer,a most common of electrical component we have all done the theory I hope ? I even had to drawn the phasor three phase diagrams with power factor consideration at post Grad level . The trouble is the things can't work as we are taught. even though they do work!

Some of you may recall the unit of magnetic flux density 'The Tesla' Tesla was a revolutionary electrical researcher many of his works and machines cannot be replicated even by the very best engineers over 100 years later in this day and age.
A little of his work I have managed to replicate most is far beyond my grasp .
He tended to use a very different form of electricity to that with which we are familiar – our work is done with the electromagnetic system and the transverse wave. Tesla's work was by enlarge carried out on the electrostatic system and the longitudinal wave. The clip you have just watched is taken from a lecture given by Prof Eric Dollard and Chris Carson to a group of Radio amateurs explaining the basics of Tesla's impulse wave the full lecture or at least what survives is here should you have the time to spare to watch it. I confess I have watched it many times and still learn from it , pretty much as a result of this lecture Chris Carson was very soon a dead man and Eric became a recluce. for years b.t.w I could not record the transformer clip as I would have liked you'll find it at 34 min on the full video

I guess the two salient points I would like you to absorb is a/ The transverse wave does not exist in outer space and b/ The longitudinal wave is much faster than the speed of light at 291000 miles/sec

View attachment 291000 m per sec no transverse waves.mp4

the anomaly of the transformer was investigated here in England by American Thomas Townsend Brown who produced anti gravity machines from his findings following in the footsteps of the German WW2 work on 'the bell'

View attachment ScreenRecorderProject21.mp4

Alas I cannot show this full documentary its subject to copyright which the producer of the DVD is adamant he will enforce.
like to simply hold an LED and it lights up? Very handy for those DB s that folks still seem to put in dark dingy hell holes under the stairs – despite regulations . Those of you who partake in martial arts will have heard of and know Chi , Its electric of course

View attachment Chi.mp4

Any electrical instruments you have will not measure Chi it is electrostatic longitudinal electricity,Pretty much as Chris Carson tells you .
Full video of John Chang is here -

there is of course more on John Chang avaliable if you wish to research - to be continued
Kindest regards Duncan


  • ScreenRecorderProject22.mp4
    14.6 MB
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If -if- if - That a viable high power energy system that doesn't pollute exists (and it does I have linked to one that is historically irrefutable on this thread) Then as long as you are not a total numpty then to research the viability of the system should and would be your next move – not to question my personal credibility. That has nothing to do with the system presented .
I might add many other so called OU systems work and worked – however I opted to present an undeniable example for your inspection.
The Global plan is the call of this thread and that I'm afraid is not so called 'conspiracy theory' Indeed its wide open and in the governments domain – Its signed and attested to by 197 countries governments and certainly all the major ones.
Global warming and carbon taxation although fictitious certainly has a big insidious part to play.
Painting with a broad brush the ambition of UN agenda 2030 is to quickly reduce the world population with euthanasia using various viruses as 'a blind'
Being not particularly religious myself (unless I'm around and about 11000 volt gear ) I like to think I know right from wrong and good from evil.
I confess I'm not even Catholic however I suggest as a starting point (again you are downloading from my Amazon account) This -
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò
what has this to do with electricity ? I am not a youngster and although you might find it difficult to accept we live in an electric universe . Most of the theory of which ,most of us are unaware of.
Like the Trompe – It's suppressed information
So what is UN agenda 2030 sustainable development ? Sounds good doesn't it ? It certainly is not !
If a government asked you to vote for the right to kill you children and Grandchildren I doubt you'd tick the yes box . The answer ? Circumnavigate the individual governments.
UN - Sustainable development
I respectfully suggest you research yourself as opposed to questioning 'my credibility' It is very much the credibility of what I present that is of importance. The names ,places and events are presented.
Where does our stock in trade - electricity fit into the equation ? Electricity and the electromagnetic wave you deal with every working day of your life. – The electron (if it exists at all) is sub atomic .
At the sub atomic level there is no agreement as to what electricity is there is rather a 'hotch potch ' of different theories cobbled together – This might be stated as
There is no unified field Theory
or more brutally as
no one has any idea of what electricity is!' (I might sardonically observe – Its becoming ever more apparent)
The electromagnetic wave you are familiar with then Travels at the speed of light – 186000 miles/sec .
Another form of electricity (which again is suppressed) Travels at 291000 miles /sec. The electricity and its properties are then very very different. At the atomic level researcher Prof Jim Al-Khalili delves into this relationship – Paul Dirac working in the UK effectively opened a new electrical and physical dimension -

Atom: The Illusion Of Reality

The Wave and electricity of Tesla .PEG -good luck with wooly willy b.t.w - better than strickly is it ?
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It sure is -- check it out - ergo reseach !! as I state its wide open Its in the public domain ,however folks dont want to see it -- so they don't. on the cattle truck , not quite at the shower --- yet
PS link to sustainable development now corrected (sorry I f'up) kind regards Duncan
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Out of interest, can you name some of the Over Unity systems that work please.

And what is the link between the global euthanasia plan and people becoming magnetic?

Two straight answers please - no waffle or embarassing YouTube links.
Out of interest, can you name some of the Over Unity systems that work please.
I do not want the thread diverted - I have named , exampled one OU device , well tested , used a thousand times -- Thats all thats required . It worked , it did work very well and has been silenced -- Thats all that is really required I.M.H.O end of story .
Did Newman or Meyer devices work? well thats irrelevent and off subject !
Make them yourself if you really want to know ( I had to) .
I present you one - It works its proved , the rest is quite simply time consuming diverting bollix - If you really are interested research 'Hatum' however only one system needs to work !! And It does and did and its on this thread - thousands of others ? I don't want that rabbit hole , thanks all the same
kindest regards DPG Duncan
PS - any musicians ? whos playing what , and why ? quizz
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