If -if- if - That a viable high power energy system that doesn't pollute exists (and it does I have linked to one that is historically irrefutable on this thread) Then as long as you are not a total numpty then to research the viability of the system should and would be your next move – not to question my personal credibility. That has nothing to do with the system presented .
I might add many other so called OU systems work and worked – however I opted to present an undeniable example for your inspection.
The Global plan is the call of this thread and that I'm afraid is not so called 'conspiracy theory' Indeed its wide open and in the governments domain – Its signed and attested to by 197 countries governments and certainly all the major ones.
Global warming and carbon taxation although fictitious certainly has a big insidious part to play.
Painting with a broad brush the ambition of UN agenda 2030 is to quickly reduce the world population with euthanasia using various viruses as 'a blind'
Being not particularly religious myself (unless I'm around and about 11000 volt gear ) I like to think I know right from wrong and good from evil.
I confess I'm not even Catholic however I suggest as a starting point (again you are downloading from my Amazon account) This -
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò
what has this to do with electricity ? I am not a youngster and although you might find it difficult to accept we live in an electric universe . Most of the theory of which ,most of us are unaware of.
Like the Trompe – It's suppressed information
So what is UN agenda 2030 sustainable development ? Sounds good doesn't it ? It certainly is not !
If a government asked you to vote for the right to kill you children and Grandchildren I doubt you'd tick the yes box . The answer ? Circumnavigate the individual governments.
UN - Sustainable development
I respectfully suggest you research yourself as opposed to questioning 'my credibility' It is very much the credibility of what I present that is of importance. The names ,places and events are presented.
Where does our stock in trade - electricity fit into the equation ? Electricity and the electromagnetic wave you deal with every working day of your life. – The electron (if it exists at all) is sub atomic .
At the sub atomic level there is no agreement as to what electricity is there is rather a 'hotch potch ' of different theories cobbled together – This might be stated as
There is no unified field Theory
or more brutally as
no one has any idea of what electricity is!' (I might sardonically observe – Its becoming ever more apparent)
The electromagnetic wave you are familiar with then Travels at the speed of light – 186000 miles/sec .
Another form of electricity (which again is suppressed) Travels at 291000 miles /sec. The electricity and its properties are then very very different. At the atomic level researcher Prof Jim Al-Khalili delves into this relationship – Paul Dirac working in the UK effectively opened a new electrical and physical dimension -
I might add many other so called OU systems work and worked – however I opted to present an undeniable example for your inspection.
The Global plan is the call of this thread and that I'm afraid is not so called 'conspiracy theory' Indeed its wide open and in the governments domain – Its signed and attested to by 197 countries governments and certainly all the major ones.
Global warming and carbon taxation although fictitious certainly has a big insidious part to play.
Painting with a broad brush the ambition of UN agenda 2030 is to quickly reduce the world population with euthanasia using various viruses as 'a blind'
Being not particularly religious myself (unless I'm around and about 11000 volt gear ) I like to think I know right from wrong and good from evil.
I confess I'm not even Catholic however I suggest as a starting point (again you are downloading from my Amazon account) This -
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò
what has this to do with electricity ? I am not a youngster and although you might find it difficult to accept we live in an electric universe . Most of the theory of which ,most of us are unaware of.
Like the Trompe – It's suppressed information
So what is UN agenda 2030 sustainable development ? Sounds good doesn't it ? It certainly is not !
If a government asked you to vote for the right to kill you children and Grandchildren I doubt you'd tick the yes box . The answer ? Circumnavigate the individual governments.
UN - Sustainable development
I respectfully suggest you research yourself as opposed to questioning 'my credibility' It is very much the credibility of what I present that is of importance. The names ,places and events are presented.
Where does our stock in trade - electricity fit into the equation ? Electricity and the electromagnetic wave you deal with every working day of your life. – The electron (if it exists at all) is sub atomic .
At the sub atomic level there is no agreement as to what electricity is there is rather a 'hotch potch ' of different theories cobbled together – This might be stated as
There is no unified field Theory
or more brutally as
no one has any idea of what electricity is!' (I might sardonically observe – Its becoming ever more apparent)
The electromagnetic wave you are familiar with then Travels at the speed of light – 186000 miles/sec .
Another form of electricity (which again is suppressed) Travels at 291000 miles /sec. The electricity and its properties are then very very different. At the atomic level researcher Prof Jim Al-Khalili delves into this relationship – Paul Dirac working in the UK effectively opened a new electrical and physical dimension -
Atom: The Illusion Of Reality
The Wave and electricity of Tesla .PEG -good luck with wooly willy b.t.w - better than strickly is it ?
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