Ok, that's a start. 70 degree PVC singles in conduit and 16 amp protective device.
You are missing:
The length of the circuit - is there a diagram showing the room? Does a previous question address this?
The size of PVC singles (e.g. 1.5 sq mm, 2.5 sq mm. It can't be 1 sq mm as that can't carry 16 amps in conduit on a wall). This affects the resistance, and therefore the fault current.
The specific protective device (though one could assume a B16 MCB)
The earth loop impedance of the origin (Ze). (the resistance back to the supply transformer, which also affects fault current)
Do the previous questions get you to work out this, e.g. select an appropriate cable size for the fridges circuit for reference method B?
To use the adiabatic equation you need to know the actual prospective fault current for the actual circuit and right now you don't appear to have enough information.
I can only assume that other questions you have already answered are related