I've had a little go with this tester now and I've decided it's going back to the shop.
Heres the thing.
It measures continuity between terminal B1 and terminal B4, but
insulation resistance is measured between B1 and B3. Can you see what I'm getting at.
When I'm doing dead testing I don't...
As it happens the TIS rep was at the City branch with his MFT Pro today. He couldn't demo the PQA functions in the store. But he s up for letting me have a proper go on it.
So, we'll see
The Suckit n See type Tester shown in does not verify neutral earth reversal.
OP describes himself as "new to this".
He also gives a good description of an AC touch voltage appearing on the case of his equipment.
He has asked how to measure what the touch voltage is.
He is new to this...
You will notice that socket tester in the picture does not detect neutral /earth crossed over.
Use meter to check continuity of case to earth tag on schuko plug not plugged in.
But, if neutral earth crossed, not going to learn anything new from this test. Recommend get local elektriker to check...
I think green/yellow looks better on black
and blue looks better on grey.
but always verify with tester, never trust a bit of tape.
Don't mind clients and other trades standing and watching,
just charge more for the instruction.
wiska submarine plastic cases are a bit brittle when trimming the...
This tail has more of a tale if you will.
Its starts back in December with a little old man and little old woman who live in a house by the sea , they have been there more than 30 years happy and sad.
They decide to buy themselves a new cooker.
They have one of those companies come that will...
OP admits it was a frivolous question.
I texted spark for a copy of the cert for the board change, he called back,nervous. Told me earthing was bad at the property.
I think 33ohms is quite good for a TT system, only wish I could have seen the top of the electrode and a nice label like the one...
I'm in a trench being attacked by flies that want my blood.
The cable is a 4mm csa 3 core SWA, new colours.
The cable is burried 1.5m in made up ground behind a wall built of sleepers .
There is yellow tape 0.1m above the cable.
The Run is about 70M
The supply was switched off, so dispite...
Output may come back up as heatwave passes, if you are lucky and your panels are good quality. Else someone will have to go up there and check the individual panels, change out the bad ones. 6 Panel string likely deliver around 200V DC. Don't mess with them unless your familiar with working on...
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