Ok. Here’s some photos of an item I’ve discovered. You’ll know what function it performs, but I’m looking for what it’s been used for specifically. Very old, still got a 15A round pin plug on it.
I’ll post another photo after a few guesses
My pal set this up for me, and it is the only use for the big shims in the bumper pack i bought 10 years ago...
well, ok, I have used some, but these are being replaced very soon by a custom wire mesh tray system to keep the air flowing
Hi There,
I was called out to a house RCD trip which would not reset. An old style 10 way split board with a single 30 ma RCD (half without RCD protection).
RCD checks out fine but I found a faulty chandelier & replaced it with a single bulb for now. Also a faulty 12v transformer flickering; now...
Hi all,
my mate rang me and said some of his sockets stopped working so i went to have a quick look and for someone inexperienced like me it's got me stumped, so i was wondering if someone with some expertise could help.
all the sockets are working except 1 downstairs and 2 upstairs, one in...
Our breaker box is located in the cellar. We experience random socket trips throughout the year. Summertime seems to be the best when we can go months without an issue.
Autumn/winter time is awful. We have had 3 trips within the last 24 hours. No new appliance has been switched on when the...
To kick this off, I really need to know what this is for...I don't think I need it, it is probably for a non-DeWalt tool...
It came sandwiched in the cardboard with a new blade.
So I'm well on the way to completing the second practical assessment in the EAL L3 EI course. Me being me, and the tutor saying "We don't normally switch the neutral in the UK" I decided (with permission) to adapt the assessment and move the neutral conductor out to the DIN rail.
I've drawn out...
Hello everyone I am a new member to this and was wondering if anyone can help.
We have a client at a pub that randomly loses power to several circuits for about 2 seconds, then comes back on. We are trying to establish whether the problem is coming from the incoming supply or a sub circuit. The...
Not pets, but any fellow animal lover will appreciate this.
A pair of swans very occasionally vist us, but this time they brought along some babies!
I thought I try and feed them for the first time, turns out they are pretty tame.
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I was just shown this from my dad and found it quite Ammusing. When I first started to learn the trade and materials required, I can remember a lot of patience from the spark i served and the constant mistakes I made regarding getting stuff.
hi everyone my sockets stop working in house when i went to fuse box no fuse were blew but there was a lot of heat coming from fuse box. but when i pulled the fuse for sockets my lights went out and when i put it back in sockets where working but lights were out where i was so went into kitchen...
Hi guys I am rather perplexed as I have recently fitted a dual RCD Sentry (App 3 compliant) consumer unit. I am suffering a random tripping pattern with one of the RCD's (63A, 30mA) which sometimes pops the other (80A 30mA) at the same time. I have stripped everything down and insulation...
Evening all. Just after a bit of advice. Just been out on a job where they have had Random tripping of one of the RCD's on a split load board. They were told by a previous electrician it was the shower so that got replaced, problem continued. Another electrician said they had a cracked shower...
Pretty sure you all know by now I like to dream up random scenarios.
So let's say running SWA to an out building, but the consumer unit is a tricky run that would make it difficult to get SWA all the way to it. Would you then run T+E say from the consumer unit, through the external wall to...
Hi guys, first off im not a qualified electrican but i am a qualified engineer and very competent, also assisted a few rewires to help a friend start a buiseness a few years ago.
So to the point. I recently bought a new house and its had a full rewire as all the cables are new colors and it...
This has been driving me crazy for a couple of years now, I keep thinking I've found the solution, then the problem resurfaces again - random tripping of my RCD.
Without going into great depth, my RCD has been tripping on a regular basis at various times of the day with no one consistent...
As the title, whats your top random 10, mine as below, I have dozens, but lets talk first 10 which enter your head.
(1) Millionaires paying their fair share of tax, no tax havens.
(2) Ensure poverty for children is illiminated completely, full stop, end of
(3) Abandon the segregation of...
Hi Guys,
Hoping someone could help. I moved in to a new property recently and after what appeared to be a power cut, my home alarm has started to beep at random times and random tunes every day.
It is a veritas R8 and it is driving me crazy. I have the engineers code, I restored the unit to...
I have a rainwater harvesting system with three tanks each with a separate pump. I will have a pressure vessel and pressure switch to automatically start pumping when water is required. However, I do not want to run all three pumps together but one at a time. I need a switch which will ensure...
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