Came across what I'm pretty sure was a current operated Crabtree ELCB today. Just had a search on here and a google and haven't found a lot. Annoyingly I didn't take a picture as I thought they would be more common than they evidently are! Pretty sure its the first I've seen in the 15 years I've been doing this.
It looked similar to the usual voltage operated ELCB we all often come across except it was a fair bit wider. Had the switch with a yellow button below and when you took the cover off it exposed some sort of large sense coil with the line and neutral running through. Rated 60A and said 1A on the side which I assume is tripping current. Tested with my MFT on 1000mA and it didn't trip but it did trip on high current EFLI tests.
It looked similar to the usual voltage operated ELCB we all often come across except it was a fair bit wider. Had the switch with a yellow button below and when you took the cover off it exposed some sort of large sense coil with the line and neutral running through. Rated 60A and said 1A on the side which I assume is tripping current. Tested with my MFT on 1000mA and it didn't trip but it did trip on high current EFLI tests.