
... But there is only so much "constructive criticism" that can be handed out, when people are sat at home speculating on variables and situations they are imagine are present or not.
Ok Simon,
I officially invite you to the premises at which I work, with your note pad and high viz on to come and carry out another risk assessment against this machine and its operation. And you will come to resounding conclusion, that there is no more that can be done to it, short of putting it inside a vacuum and the operator stands 20ft back and throws the material at it... that can make it any safer.
The concern currently is not with the auger, it is simply an auger that material is fed into, like thousands currently used in manufacture around the world, the concern lies with the electrical integration into an existing system. This is being looked at tomorrow.
Before you spout off any concern for death and court cases, there is no more design that can be done on this auger. Man stands at the end of it, man applies sack of grain, man walks away in tact.
I am taking this all seriously, but seriously, we are not talking about the handling of uranium 235 here.
Silva, i don't understand why the impression has been given that i have been ungrateful in any advice received, its quite the contrary. I am never and have never been ungrateful when receiving advice whether it be criticism or suggestion, and i certainly havent in this thread. Nor have i disregarded anyone's suggestions. I clearly made point of saying how i understand my limitations and will be backing away from this job.
I don't understand, or appreciate, the hostility just because some of you feel you are being ignored. Read it all back. No where have i made any comment that would implicate me to not appreciate or take on board any advice.
Reply to the thread, titled "24v relay circuit - elp!" which is posted in Commercial Electrical Advice on Electricians Forums.