View the thread, titled "3 KW fan heater plug `Pins` are Hot when pulled out of socket - What causes this ?" which is posted in UK Electrical Forum on Electricians Forums.

"Hello All",

I was visiting an elderly family member when she mentioned that a 3 KW Fan Heater that she uses makes the Plug `Pins` Hot - I was only able to check this by trying out the Heater and feeling the Plug `Pins`.

These were Hot - even when the Heater was run on the 1 KW Setting - Also I tried the Heater in various Sockets - including the 2 on Kitchen Ring - the Pins were Hot when used on ALL Sockets that I tried throughout the Home - which surprised Me.

I believe that the Home was rewired only about 5 Years ago - I mention that only to establish that the Wiring is `New` Twin and Earth - the Consumer Unit was also changed at that time.

I might expect to be able to feel some Heat from the `Pins` after the Heater has been running on 3 KW - ? BUT not to the extent where they are actually `Hot` [?] - and I was surprised to feel that they were also `Hot` when the Heater was set on 1 KW - ?

Some Members will recognise that I am a Heating Engineer - from My previous Posts on the Forum - So I don`t have the Electrical Knowledge to know what could cause this on the Electrical Installation.

I have told my relative to not use the Heater and I am going to take another 3 KW Heater to Her Home to check whether the Plug Pins also get Hot - before I advise that this is checked out by an Electrician.

What could be causing this ? [I hope that it is the Heater ?] - I feel that the Pins get Too Hot for this to be `Normal` ?

I would be grateful if Members can suggest possible causes - I will NOT be trying to rectify this - any Testing or Remedial Work will be carried out by an Electrician - I would just like to know what the cause could be so that I can tell My relative and probably help Her to arrange an Electrician.


Re: 3 KW fan heater plug `Pins` are Hot when pulled out of socket - What causes thi

Glad you got it sorted Chris.

"Hello Guitarist",

Thanks very much for all of your help and information - I really appreciate it that You did not view My question as `Too Obvious / Trivial` to answer.

I personally would never think that any question from an Electrician or any other Profession or Trade about a Central Heating or Plumbing System was `Too Obvious` / `To Trivial` to answer - some other Members obviously think differently about `Simple` Electrical questions - as I found out.

I might also answer a `general` question about Gas as long as I felt the person would NOT try to work on it themselves - and I would have to try and ensure that I did not give enough information to make it something that they thought could be done by them [Hopefully] because of the obvious Danger involved.


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Re: 3 KW fan heater plug `Pins` are Hot when pulled out of socket - What causes thi

"Hello All",

I have been back to My elderly relatives Home and looked at the Plug on the Electric Fan Heater - as the Members on here advised Me would probably be the case the Live and Neutral wires had strands missing / cut off when the Plug was being wired - probably at least a Third of the strands on each wire were not connected in the terminals !

I rewired the Plug - as expected when I then ran the Fan Heater on 3 KW the Plug Pins did NOT get `Too Hot` - although as also expected / mentioned by Members there was some `Warmth` at the Plug Top and the Pins.

As Her Heater is very Old [20 + Years at least] I have convinced My relative to purchase a New Dimplex 3KW [plus 1 KW & 2 KW Settings] Fanned Convector Heater.

I saw one of these working during the Winter and it Heated up the Room in a surprisingly short period of time - So as it has a Thermostatic Control [Not just the Temperature Setting] and a Timer facility it will be much better than the Temperature Setting only of Her Old Fanned Heater.

Thank You very much to the Members who helped Me with this - I really appreciate your time and the information that You all posted for Me.

Although there was one Member who obviously thought that I was an `Idiot` and questioned whether I was an `Engineer` [Heating Engineer] - after I had almost apologetically explained why I would NOT have known that Plugs on 3 KW Electric Heaters could get Very HOT.

I had stated that as a Heating Engineer I had never have been in the situation of coming across this Faulty Plug Wiring before - regarding this producing VERY Hot Plug Pins.

Thanks very much to the very helpful Members who did NOT treat Me like an Idiot - but who helped Me to solve this possibly Dangerous problem - those Members did NOT feel that answering My [Very simple to them] question was `Beneath them`.

I have to state that My next visit would have been to look at the Plug Wiring - even without having asked about this on the Forum - So I would have found the situation with the missing / cut off strands.

BUT - I was TOLD what the problem was likely to be by the Professionals on here which I was very grateful for.


Chris - [Heating Engineer]

I said nowt because I knew you'd get there in the end - and you did !!! :)

(Glad you got it all sorted)
Re: 3 KW fan heater plug `Pins` are Hot when pulled out of socket - What causes thi

Chris, keep in mind the ones that haven’t been helpful, they may have trouble with their heating in the future. The boot will be on the other foot then :biggrinjester:
Re: 3 KW fan heater plug `Pins` are Hot when pulled out of socket - What causes thi

I said nowt because I knew you'd get there in the end - and you did !!! :)

(Glad you got it all sorted)

"Hello Geordie Spark",

Thanks for the message - I thought that You as a fellow `Worker with Gas`would have been one of the first to help Me with My Question - Just Joking - good to hear from You.


Re: 3 KW fan heater plug `Pins` are Hot when pulled out of socket - What causes thi

Chris, keep in mind the ones that haven’t been helpful, they may have trouble with their heating in the future. The boot will be on the other foot then :biggrinjester:

"Hello Tony",

Thanks for your message - I would probably still Help with their questions - I was more disappointed with the attitude of the Member than I was annoyed and I would not begrudge Him my Help - even if it involved a `Simple` Question.


Re: 3 KW fan heater plug `Pins` are Hot when pulled out of socket - What causes thi

"Hello Geordie Spark",

Thanks for the message - I thought that You as a fellow `Worker with Gas`would have been one of the first to help Me with My Question - Just Joking - good to hear from You.



As a fellow worker with gas, I had every confidence in ye bonny lad. I'm pleased to see my confidence wasn't misplaced. ;)

It will be interesting to see how some of the sparks here cope with finding that elusive intermittent fault on their combis that we've had to deal with. :)

All the Best.
Re: 3 KW fan heater plug `Pins` are Hot when pulled out of socket - What causes thi

If there are any concerns about the plug try fitting one of these 646WHI - MK (ELECTRIC) - PLUG, SAFETY, 13A, WHITE | Farnell United Kingdom these particular plugs have a very good terminal for wireing to and are the best for 3 bar electric fires. I would suggest that you may wish to consider being kind to her and buy an new convector heater and show her how to use the thermostat.
Re: 3 KW fan heater plug `Pins` are Hot when pulled out of socket - What causes thi

As a fellow worker with gas, I had every confidence in ye bonny lad. I'm pleased to see my confidence wasn't misplaced. ;)

It will be interesting to see how some of the sparks here cope with finding that elusive intermittent fault on their combis that we've had to deal with. :)

All the Best.

Not my field. I'd call in a heating engineer. Why waste time on problems you're not familiar with, or, in some cases, not qualified to work on. (Still can't understand why the pipes going to my rads get so hot though
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Re: 3 KW fan heater plug `Pins` are Hot when pulled out of socket - What causes thi

If there are any concerns about the plug try fitting one of these 646WHI - MK (ELECTRIC) - PLUG, SAFETY, 13A, WHITE | Farnell United Kingdom these particular plugs have a very good terminal for wireing to and are the best for 3 bar electric fires. I would suggest that you may wish to consider being kind to her and buy an new convector heater and show her how to use the thermostat.

"Hello UK Meterman",

Thanks for the useful information about the MK Plug - I will remember that for the future.

Regarding Me purchasing a Thermostatically Controlled / Timed [Dimplex] Fanned Convector Heater for My relative - I always intended to do this and I will be buying one tomorrow which I will give to Her and obviously show Her how to use / set the Thermostat etc.

When I wrote about `convincing Her to purchase a new Fanned Convector Heater` it was always My intention to purchase this for Her as She is elderly and does not have any `Spare Money` - as You wrote - `to be kind to Her`.

Thanks again for the Info. - and for reminding Me to `Be Kind to Her`.


Re: 3 KW fan heater plug `Pins` are Hot when pulled out of socket - What causes thi

As a fellow worker with gas, I had every confidence in ye bonny lad. I'm pleased to see my confidence wasn't misplaced. ;)

It will be interesting to see how some of the sparks here cope with finding that elusive intermittent fault on their combis that we've had to deal with. :)

All the Best.

"Hello Geordie Spark",

Thanks for your compliment - I must admit that I was a bit `irked` by the comment from the Member who gave the comment which amounted to `Call Yourself an Engineer` ! ? !

I can imagine that because My question was about something that Electrical Apprentices would know - I would have been viewed as `Ignorant` regarding `Simple` Electrical matters - BUT - the results of different Resistance values is NOT uppermost in My Limited Electrical knowledge.

I HAVE `learned` about this and many other Electrical Theories in the past but because I have never needed to use them - I have forgotten all of it - I am posting an explanation about this below.

"Thanks again Geordie Spark".


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Re: 3 KW fan heater plug `Pins` are Hot when pulled out of socket - What causes thi

"Hello All",

As I felt a bit irritated and embarrassed by the comment from a Member who must have thought that I was an Idiot and who remarked something similar to `Call youself an Engineer` ! ? ! - [I am a Heating Engineer] - I wanted to Post an explanation about why the `Resistance` factor / Faulty Plug wiring which caused the Plug Pins to become HOT [Not `Warm`] was NOT at all obvious to Me:

HERE is an `explanation` about My Electrical knowledge [or lack of it] - AND why I am a Member on the Electricians Forum for the Member who was so quick to `decry` Me:

I would have `learned` about `Resistance` and many other aspects of Electrical Theory and practice during ACOPS Courses in the 1990`s and again during the CORGI Defined Scope [Heating] Part P Course and Assessments in 2005.

BUT - I always wanted My Heating System Controls wiring carried out by an Electrician who could then issue a Certificate for it - usually also having either rewired the Home or at least having carried out an Electrical Safety Inspection - the Majority of My Heating Systems were for Housing Associations during the 1990`s and up to about 2008.

I got into the `If You don`t use it you lose it` scenario regarding not being able to remember the Electrical Theory that I had `learned` during those Training Courses and Assessments - I was NEVER `using it` and as a consequence I have forgotten most of it - even the `Simple` Theories.

My question about the Plug Pins getting VERY Hot [Not `Warm`] was something that as a Heating Engineer I have never come across - Why would I - ?

I do realise that this comment leaves Me `wide open` to Members questioning whether I should ever be doing any Electrical task - which is why I do not carry out Electrical Works - preferring to leave it to the Professionals.

It was never My intention to do My own Heating Controls wiring - the ACOPS Courses and Assessments in the 1990`s - Electrical Safety [`Essential Electrics`] and Electrical Installation for Mechanical Services were My idea of ensuring that I was `Safe` to work on Heating Appliances - which obviously have an Electrical supply - and theoretically being able to `Prove` that with the ACOPS Certificates - IF ever necessary.

I do realise that this type of Course and Assessments are `Despised` by most of the Members - BUT - I was NEVER trying to become an Electrician - Just trying to `learn` how to ensure that I was working Safely on Heating Appliances.

The CORGI `Defined Scope` Part P was with the idea of `enabling` Me to carry out My own Controls Wiring - If absolutely necessary - i.e. an Electrician was not available - but this was never required as at that time the Building Contractor who I was getting most of My Plumbing and Heating Work from contracted all the Electrical work to a Self Employed Electrician.

And at His Clients insistance ALL the Electrical Works within the Refurbishments of properties that His Company carried out had to be Certificated by the same Electrician / Electrical Installation Company - obviously including the Heating System Controls - which is why that Electrician wired My Heating Systems.

As I did not get to the stage of wanting to do My own Electrical Work I did not obtain any Testing Equipment - [luckily regarding the perceived Costs] - another reason why I would not carry out Electrical Works.

It is now so long ago since I would have been able to remember most of what was in those Courses and Assessments that I would never carry out any Electrical Works.

Although Members will be thinking - `We don`t want to read your Life Story` on here - I wanted to try and clarify exactly My `position` regarding Electrical Work - Also I have NEVER tried to give advice on any Electrical matter on this Forum.

Because I was helped by topquark regarding an unusual wiring question on Heating Controls - which fell beyond the `Normal` methods / wiring systems - I decided to try and be Helpful to Members of the Forum in return regarding Central Heating problems.

NOT regarding Wiring Questions but more in a `Diagnostic` manner to try and identify the offending Control - or possibly Errors in the Design / Pipework configuration - although this is obviously VERY difficult in a Forum situation.

That is why I am a Member of this Forum - I became a Member to Post an Electrical question - received valuable Help from a Member - topquark - and then decided to show My gratitude and `Give Back` some knowledge from My own Trade / Profession - Heating - Plumbing & Gas Installation.

I hope that Members have not been Bored with this.


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Re: 3 KW fan heater plug `Pins` are Hot when pulled out of socket - What causes thi

Everyone forget's things they were taught years before when they dont have to use that knowledge day in day's natural.

There's always one joker in the pack and as much as tend to not rise to them meself i do let some innocent comment get me riled at times for no real reason.

The written word is so stale it can easily be taken totaly the wrong way on forums (learnt that from many years of online gameing forums) so best to sit back and ignore what might seem like a jab/dig from someone.......just wish i always stuck to this little rule meself.
Re: 3 KW fan heater plug `Pins` are Hot when pulled out of socket - What causes thi

"Hello Guitarist and Swicade",

Thanks for your messages - I am not a particularly `sensitive` person - in fact far from it - My motivation for writing My Post was not entirely to explain to the Member who commented in a less than positive manner.

I think that it is a positive thing that I have explained My situation to Members regarding how I have previously been involved in learning SOME aspects of Electrical Installation and Safety and the unfortunate situation of not ever using any of the Electrical Theories / Calculations and because of that having forgotten them.

Also I wanted to explain how I came to be a Member of the Electricians Forum to try and get a slightly unusual Control wiring question answered - was helped by topquark and then wanted to remain on here to see if any Heating System questions came up that needed a little more than the Electrical diagnosis aspect so that I could be helpful - as a `Small Payback` for the help that I received.

I appreciate the positive comments from both of You - "Thanks again".


Re: 3 KW fan heater plug `Pins` are Hot when pulled out of socket - What causes thi

i wouldnt worry about it chris,everyone has bad days,say things they dont mean etc,but things roll on to the next thread and its all forgotten...:wheelchair:

Reply to the thread, titled "3 KW fan heater plug `Pins` are Hot when pulled out of socket - What causes this ?" which is posted in UK Electrical Forum on Electricians Forums.

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