Nice to hear you’ve got it up and running.
Just one point* are the commando plug / socket for the control non-standard for your works. The reason I ask is as sure as eggs are eggs some clown will plug something else in to it if they can.
* It’s one I got pushed in to because management wouldn’t pay for a different type of socket, I wanted to use Niphan on the control. Not 2 days after installing a similar set up to yours (it was a mixer) I got a call “this new socket you’ve installed doesn’t work! Never under estimate how stupid / ingenious production workers can be!
Just one point* are the commando plug / socket for the control non-standard for your works. The reason I ask is as sure as eggs are eggs some clown will plug something else in to it if they can.
* It’s one I got pushed in to because management wouldn’t pay for a different type of socket, I wanted to use Niphan on the control. Not 2 days after installing a similar set up to yours (it was a mixer) I got a call “this new socket you’ve installed doesn’t work! Never under estimate how stupid / ingenious production workers can be!
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