I apologise in advance for lack of knowledge i this subject as I only work in domestic, a mate owns a commercial gym and has a 6 Kw sauna heater which comprises of 3x 2Kw elements.
He asked me to look at it as he has fallen out with his normal electrician over prices, he told me that he has had a few problems with it in the past which is normally related to the elements failing.
The fault as described to me was that it just wasn't working.
I started at the board which is a 3 phase board, the sauna is on a single phase 40A RCBO, which was in the off position, after isolating the supply at the RCBO I traced the 10mm T+E to a 45A DP Switch which was checked and isolated.
I then dismantled the heater and checked continuity on all of the elements, all appeared to be working, then I traced the wiring back from the heater which is some type of heat flex it has 6 cores and earth and appeared to be 3 line conductors and 3 neutrals. I then followed the cable back to a IP enclosure which was on the side of the sauna in quite a humid area, the cover was off and I found the mess in the picture, no wonder the RCBO had tripped!
The contactor is a Moller Dil 1M, it appears to overheated on the neutral supply side which is fed in 10mm T+E going back to the 45A DP switch as mentioned earlier.
My questions are, why would the original installer have fitted a contactor, it's not high voltage switching and more importantly, why has it over heated? The cable sizes would all appear to be correct and judging by the heat damage the RCBO has only blown when the Neutral cable has burnt completely through and broken the link.
I have disconnected the entire supply from the board and removed the contactor, I've told him its beyond me and told him to get the yellow pages out!

I apologise in advance for lack of knowledge i this subject as I only work in domestic, a mate owns a commercial gym and has a 6 Kw sauna heater which comprises of 3x 2Kw elements.
He asked me to look at it as he has fallen out with his normal electrician over prices, he told me that he has had a few problems with it in the past which is normally related to the elements failing.
The fault as described to me was that it just wasn't working.
I started at the board which is a 3 phase board, the sauna is on a single phase 40A RCBO, which was in the off position, after isolating the supply at the RCBO I traced the 10mm T+E to a 45A DP Switch which was checked and isolated.
I then dismantled the heater and checked continuity on all of the elements, all appeared to be working, then I traced the wiring back from the heater which is some type of heat flex it has 6 cores and earth and appeared to be 3 line conductors and 3 neutrals. I then followed the cable back to a IP enclosure which was on the side of the sauna in quite a humid area, the cover was off and I found the mess in the picture, no wonder the RCBO had tripped!
The contactor is a Moller Dil 1M, it appears to overheated on the neutral supply side which is fed in 10mm T+E going back to the 45A DP switch as mentioned earlier.
My questions are, why would the original installer have fitted a contactor, it's not high voltage switching and more importantly, why has it over heated? The cable sizes would all appear to be correct and judging by the heat damage the RCBO has only blown when the Neutral cable has burnt completely through and broken the link.
I have disconnected the entire supply from the board and removed the contactor, I've told him its beyond me and told him to get the yellow pages out!