I bought this book over a year and half ago to do 2382/2392. Back then I noticed a few small things that were not right. Especially when cross referencing them with the GN3 etc. Afer doing some of the exercises in the back of the Chris Kitcher book on Inspection and testing second edition it appears that some of the basic principles for calculating R1 + R2 are not correct. In particular it is the books lack of ability to divise the r1 + r2/4 to get an approximation of R1 + R2 calculated from the m/ohm/m value and the length of the circuit given to you in the exercise. All of the answers lack the division. It's either me or I'm going banana's. But I feel let down by this book that I've paid hard earned money for lol something that if I didn't have any other book I would be calculating the incorrect answers...does anyone agree with me, has anyone seen this as well.