A reminder to everyone - FatallyFlawed - Child Plug Socket Covers Campaign | Page 21 | on ElectriciansForums

Discuss A reminder to everyone - FatallyFlawed - Child Plug Socket Covers Campaign in the Talk Electrician area at ElectriciansForums.net

I do, Tony, I do.

Here's an idea.

Produce a laminated information card you can attach to one of these things (only needs one hole punched in it, or 3 if you're being really lar de dar). On it, print summat like:

"You probably think you are helping improve safety by putting this bit of plastic into your socket, but the opposite is true. Whilst your good intentions are clear, you are making matters worse. UK 13A sockets are inherently safe...."

... then words of your choice pointing out the whys and wherefors, and a link to the fatally flawed website.

Bung a "danger of death by electricity" yellow triangle on it too.

This will be really useful when you see them out and about (libraries, pubs/function rooms etc) and the people there to complain to couldn't give a monkey's because it's not their job and/or they don't want to get fired for removing what their boss might well insist is a "safety" item.

I propose that this gorilla awareness campaign (~waves at GMES~) might have some effect.

Customers will notice it and ask questions. They might well have them at home and get rid of them (double win!).

The owners (or their staff) will notice it. If you word it right, so they don't feel too foolish ("We know your intentions were honorable" or whatever) then they might do summat about it. After all, if they have to remove the piece of plastic to remove the notice (to bin the notice), they are more likely to bin the bit of plastic too, rather than go to the effort of putting it back in.

If you need some money to make the laminates, I'm happy to bung you a few quid.
I have no say in how the campaign is lead, I support it and promote it.

I will point Dave of Fatally Flawed to your post. If electrical contractors would take this onboard it would go a long way to getting rid of the damn things.

My son was 30 this year, I’ve been fighting against them ever since the wife was given a pack at a prenatal class. I had to hold a metal screwdriver and push against a live socket outlet to convince her. She ain’t daft, she went to check the ring was live. I’d have looked a silly bugger if it had gone wrong.
Working in my local doctors surgery the other day. I was actually in one of the docs' treatment rooms and noticed a couple of 'em in a d socket. Asked him what they were doing there. He said he hadn't removed them because the socket wasn't used...and it was in his room and not open to general use. He then added that, since my instruction about a year ago, all the staff, doctors included, were aware of the risks. Sure enough, throughout the premises, no sign of any others. Some do listen and think.
So far I’ve managed to get them banned in two healthcare trusts. It’s blood hard work to persuade people who for the last thirty years have been convinced they are a good thing.
Funnily enough I was at the docs about 9 months ago for my quarterly mot and saw them fitted throughout the practice. The doc that was seeing me was the head of the practice so I showed him the dangers of inserting one of these upside down thus opening the live terminals. I directed him towards the fatally flawed site which he looked at and within 5 minutes he had an email sent to all his staff to have them removed. When I was back for my next mot he said that he had forwarded a link to the site to all the other practices in the health centre and after them all having a meeting, it was agreed to have them removed throughout the building.
Playgroups are the ones that need targeting. It seems that the inspectors make their own rules up as OFSTED has no official policy on the matter of socket covers.
I have also started a campaign in my area. I have also arranged an awareness programme in my community for this purpose and other purposes. Hope this is going to help.
Please help me. please tell me how you people convince the pre-school admins to not to use these safety covers. My next target are these kindergartens so any suggestions???/
Hi all,

Just started posting on this forum but interesting reading about this, I have seen these at the old folks home where a relative is staying.

Thanks to forum members here for continuing to spread the word. I just found this thread on MumsNet which includes a testimony describing personal experience of inverted insertion, see 4[SUP]th[/SUP] post:

baby proofing power points- current advice? | Mumsnet Discussion

It is always useful to see a reminder that this concern is not something theoretical, but that small children are perfectly capable of using socket covers in this way.

A later post (dated: Sat 08-Nov-14 15:53) in the same thread by the same poster, NannyR, also makes reference to extension leads allowing the inverted insertion of regular plugs, which is the result of a loophole in BS 1363 described here:

Other Electrical Dangers
Thank you very much for your email. We will certainly take your comment on board when we next revise the leaflets. We run all of our electrical safety advice past Electrical Safety First, so we will raise this with them.

Well that was quicker than expected, now if only 'Electrical safety first' was not still advising the use of the poxy things I'd of been happy
Showed this site to one mum and she said it is all faked and I'm just trying to make money out of her!! How the hell do you make money out of showing someone a site that tells you not to buy something thereby saving money!! There are people out there who should not breed
Found out on Monday that the nursery where the missus workes have these stupid covers fitted. Apparently they where advised to have them fitted. She doesn't know who by thought. Anyhow I sent them an email telling them that they need to remove them A.S.A.P. and attached the link to the FatallyFlawed site. Hopefully they will do the right thing and bin them.
I'm going to print the PDF off as well and ask if they are willing to hand them out to parents... or just stick them somewhere and let parents pick on up.
Just an update: It would appear that my advice was ignored and the covers are still fitted..... As the saying goes, "You can lead a horse to water...."
I cant believe these are still being sold and used all over the place after reading this again the other day I posted it on my face book page and already there are a few mothers removing them from their use and I contacted my local newspaper were I am going next week where they have agreed to run an article the following week so I will keep you posted on my attempts to get these banned in my area at least !! Rome wasn't built in a day but it was built we just have to show the same strength of caricature !!
Totally agree that they are a waste of space and a danger. My only concern at recommending they are removed is that if the shutter mechanism has been damaged, just removing the 'safety cover' could leave the live contacts unprotected or compromised? Any advice on this please? Thanks.
Totally agree that they are a waste of space and a danger. My only concern at recommending they are removed is that if the shutter mechanism has been damaged, just removing the 'safety cover' could leave the live contacts unprotected or compromised? Any advice on this please? Thanks.

Hi Trickyd. If the socket stutter is damaged then just replace the socket with a new one. When removing the 'covers' just check to see that they are operate properly.
the thing is im not against them if they are well designed and you cannot put them in the wrong way and open the shutters.

would any of you complain if they changed them so the earth pin wasnt long enough to open the shutter?

at the moment most just circumvent the built in protection aka the built in shutters.

Reply to A reminder to everyone - FatallyFlawed - Child Plug Socket Covers Campaign in the Talk Electrician area at ElectriciansForums.net

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Thanks Tony! Appreciation always welcome, but the more evidence that can be assembled the better.


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