sorry to correct you dan,
the customer deal is WITH barclays as much as it is with the company as they agreed to lend the money to pay for the services of access2trade, with barclays agreeing the finance and access2trade not providing the services in full the buck now rests with barclays as they have legally financed a failed product that under consumer law you can rightfully now challange and reclaim your costs, its a similar scenario with when people pay for holidays with credit cards
so if you lost money get on to your loan company even if you have fully paid your loan and just need to sit exams as you still have not recieved your GOODS/SERVICES in full for what were been paid for by a loan
the bank will have to refund you and give you monies owed and then they become a creditor on the long list of names at the insolvency practioners list for access2trade....!!
Dan you are well off the mark mate and your advice is very poor and mis leading to people!!!
You are going to scare the **** out of them- Durham Spark is bang on - Can I just say that you will find it was the rug that was pulled from access and advent training - they were a sucessful training company but the banks have once again let another good company go down the drain with alot of jobs. The company was turning out some very good well trained tradesman, just what this country needed - I think the work the tutors put in was incredible and you only have to look at other people posts to see how much they were enjoying the course and their thoughts on the level of training they were recieving, before people get on their high horse and make further derogetry remarks you should look to the finance sector which is strangling good businesses across this country. I feel for all the lads who were on the course - Stay positive I'm sure you will be fine under the consumer protection acts.
Having only signed the agreement for this on the 11/01/10 and only done a weeks worth of studying I am seriously ****ed off as I'm sure everyone else is.