I desinstal and reinstall an acorn 180, it had only 2 weeks of use.
it flash f6 at first, i use the manuel mode to move up and down,
i did use a powerfull drill to move it, so the carriage was moving a bit fast.
the the F7 flash.
How do i solve the problem ?
I read somewhere that it was the OSG governer that has engaged
I called Acorn and they dont come where I live, cause it is too far. !!
How can I solve my problem
here is a pic of my bord
I desinstal and reinstall an acorn 180, it had only 2 weeks of use.
it flash f6 at first, i use the manuel mode to move up and down,
i did use a powerfull drill to move it, so the carriage was moving a bit fast.
the the F7 flash.
How do i solve the problem ?
I read somewhere that it was the OSG governer that has engaged
I called Acorn and they dont come where I live, cause it is too far. !!
How can I solve my problem
here is a pic of my bord