We live in a new build (2015) and the developer added Power and Lighting to the garage via a double socket (spur from house) and then a single light coming off the socket (via FS) for the garage. I then added another driveway floodlight off another FS.
Anyway, we plan to do some garden work this year including decking so I am thinking of just adding another CU into the garage which will then allow me to run a new socket circuit for the garage and the garden plus a separate lighting circuit for the garden, I want about 10-12 10w GU 10 bulbs in the garden.
I have a spare circuit breaker on the main CU in the house and I want to keep costs down so am happy to do the donkey work myself and then get a sparky in to connect it all and test etc.
Does this sound logical?
I am thinking 6mm SWA from the CU to the garage, then mount the CU ready for connecting. My only concern is that I don't want to run in the garden cabling just yet as I am not ready so could I just get the sparky to terminate the existing double socket onto circuit 1 (for sockets) and then the garage light for circuit 2 (for lights) and I can then extend these later into the garden adding lights and new sockets??
We live in a new build (2015) and the developer added Power and Lighting to the garage via a double socket (spur from house) and then a single light coming off the socket (via FS) for the garage. I then added another driveway floodlight off another FS.
Anyway, we plan to do some garden work this year including decking so I am thinking of just adding another CU into the garage which will then allow me to run a new socket circuit for the garage and the garden plus a separate lighting circuit for the garden, I want about 10-12 10w GU 10 bulbs in the garden.
I have a spare circuit breaker on the main CU in the house and I want to keep costs down so am happy to do the donkey work myself and then get a sparky in to connect it all and test etc.
Does this sound logical?
I am thinking 6mm SWA from the CU to the garage, then mount the CU ready for connecting. My only concern is that I don't want to run in the garden cabling just yet as I am not ready so could I just get the sparky to terminate the existing double socket onto circuit 1 (for sockets) and then the garage light for circuit 2 (for lights) and I can then extend these later into the garden adding lights and new sockets??