If the join is going to be accessible, then you can get large 50/60A junction boxes that have screw terminals. If it's not accessible then you'll need to think about using a maintenance free method such a crimping, or depending on the size of the cable and the rating of the circuit, some of the large (2.5-6mm sq. CSA capable) Wago's and a suitable Wagobox. But you must follow the maintenance free instructions.
I'll also raise the spectre of Part P. If you're in Wales, the kitchen is still classed as a special location and as such you will need to notify LABC.
I should also raise the issue of testing. You're a trainee... do you have the test gear required to ensure your work is safe and fully compliant? What about RCD protection? Does the existing circuit have any? If not, you may need to include the addition of this.