Got a problem with a current job i am working on. I am doing outside lights covering most of the garden. Whilst there yesturday, a problem developed on the upstairs ring main, a circuit I had not worked on. Whilst the wiring was fairly new (2005) the standard isnt very high. The owners are now trying to blame my work. I know that when I left my work the wiring that had been done was up to standard. However, there are signs of tampering with the womans "clever boyfriend".
They are now having an inspector in to check my work, which is causing me a lot of panic as things have been altered by a third party (namely her boyfriend).
My question is where do I stand in this situation.
Thanks in advance to any advice given.
They are now having an inspector in to check my work, which is causing me a lot of panic as things have been altered by a third party (namely her boyfriend).
My question is where do I stand in this situation.
Thanks in advance to any advice given.