Hi all
Was wondering if anyone could give me any advise please, currently do a 6 bed rewire, the customer wants a telephone point in every bedroom, their Internet comes in via their phone line, I brought telephone cable to extend to all the points but now I'm starting to doubt that the cable will start to degrade as the runs get longer, affecting Internet connection, was thinking of running in some cat5 or cat6, or would normal telephone cable be ok, in all the total meters of cable to be used is about 50 - 60 meters, not really clued up when comes to telephone / data points, could any one advise please ? Thanks

Was wondering if anyone could give me any advise please, currently do a 6 bed rewire, the customer wants a telephone point in every bedroom, their Internet comes in via their phone line, I brought telephone cable to extend to all the points but now I'm starting to doubt that the cable will start to degrade as the runs get longer, affecting Internet connection, was thinking of running in some cat5 or cat6, or would normal telephone cable be ok, in all the total meters of cable to be used is about 50 - 60 meters, not really clued up when comes to telephone / data points, could any one advise please ? Thanks