The engineer code should be set by the company that installs the system.
The reason for this is there is alot of functions that only a true intruder alarm company know how to correctly set. This make the diffrence between the system working or not! This could also mean if the system did not work the installing company could face a court case because of it.
However you have paid for the system and it is owned by you so you should not be tied into the company that installed it. We only ask that the owner of the system requests the engineer code in writing which we will then provide but with the code point out that the system would not be covered by us should there be a break in and the system not work.
We looked at one job where the owner had set the night set mode to not set any detection devices, because this was programmed in the engineering mode it will not warn them in any way. This ment at night the system was merly saying set and not activating any devices.
Hope you can see why the codes have to be controlled but i do not agree with companies that charge £60+ to provide it to you.
CFS Fire & Security