Just got back from fitting a switch fuse disconnector to a set of busbars in a small sub. Well to say I was like a drowned rat, even the rat would have had sympathy. Friggin heavy switch, stood in an inch of water, had to remove an old switch that must have been there 50 years, rusty bolts, batteries packing up, had to keep energising the busbars to power up my chargers, kept having to remind myself whether I was working dead or live. Knackered and just when I finished, the rain stopped. A case of bad timing. Anyway did the job 3 hours quicker than planned and included a pastie, sausage roll and cake from Greggs who by the way gave me a hot chocolate instead of Americano, WTF, did not notice until I got back to sub and could not be bothered to go back. Still, light duties for a couple of days now.