So we've recovered it, tried another way, didn't work so recovered it again.
Will leave it a few weeks now and I'll duplicate the site on the server and work out why it ends up with problems.
Then once I'm happy with that, upgrade this final one that's still rocking the old version.
Usually always goes so smooth as this one is always last. Tilers Forums went smooth and that's bigger in file size due to loads of bathroom images. So always expect that to be the harsh one.
In the meantime I'll let you guys have the forum working for a few weeks as it can't be offline for days. That's no good at all.
And we would have lost about 6 hours of data. Apologies for that also!
Will leave it a few weeks now and I'll duplicate the site on the server and work out why it ends up with problems.
Then once I'm happy with that, upgrade this final one that's still rocking the old version.
Usually always goes so smooth as this one is always last. Tilers Forums went smooth and that's bigger in file size due to loads of bathroom images. So always expect that to be the harsh one.
In the meantime I'll let you guys have the forum working for a few weeks as it can't be offline for days. That's no good at all.
And we would have lost about 6 hours of data. Apologies for that also!