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Regarding landlords, those who own their rental properties outright will have to rely on the tenant getting some assistance from the State, whereas those who have mortgages may get a "payment holiday" so the cashflow may continue for a while, but the loan still racks up...I guess it's really a question of cashflow/income for everyone.
There are many people who live within 2 bills of bankruptcy, and have no savings or other support. Just buying food for their families is going to be a real problem if they have no income. I just hope the government gets the cash to those in need quickly...
I'm lucky I have money to fall back on as have been saving hard for a mortgage, my girlfriend has just lost her job in a pub though and as it was a zero hour contract cant get anything from them, I think us self employed can get universal credit if we aren't working but that's it for now. I've got a few jobs I can do in a closed leisure centre, and a very small building site, and a bit on a fruit farm which only has 2 staff, im doing the 2meter thing. I've stopped going in peoples homes.
Don't forget that anyone employed by any government organisation (about 50% of the workforce)... will still get paid regardless... as I suspect will any salaried people... so it affects a relatively small number of people... So why give money to everyone ??

Try 16.5% in the Public Sector or 5.44 million.
All of whom are still working, possibly excepting some teachers.

Just because someone is salaried doesn't mean they'll automatically get paid. look at B.A staff they've been asked to take unpaid leave as will a lot of other employees I suspect.

I was salaried for around 2/3rds of my working life, I don't remember any clause in the T&Cs saying I'd get paid if I wasn't working other than company sick pay, which this current situation wouldn't inlcude.
Very few companies could afford to do it.
I just hope the part Pee organisations will allow members to freeze their memberships if they need to (without paying their monthly fees). The same applies to the advertising scams such as trustatrader and checkatrade etc.
Try 16.5% in the Public Sector or 5.44 million.
As with anything to do with the state sector... it's all very complicated. I was referring to the widest measure of anyone to gets paid from taxpayers funds... not the narrow direct employed measure. This is the one that's relevant to the issue of the day.
Try 16.5% in the Public Sector or 5.44 million.
As with anything to do with the state sector... it's all very complicated. I was referring to the widest measure of anyone to gets paid from taxpayers funds... not the narrow direct employed measure. This is the one that's relevant to the issue of the day.
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It seems S/E is being looked at.
The issue they've got with payments is they're trying to use existing systems, so amongst other things they know they're paying to genuine people and not scammers, who will of course be out in their thousands.

The U.S plan of sending a cheque for every household for $1500 or so doesn't seem a good idea when all the Millionaires and Billionaires will also get them.

What is the likely ratio of Millionaires and Billionaires to ordinary Joes?

And what will this translate to in terms of the percentage of the total funds distributed?

I reckon it will be quite small and therefore does not justify the administrative overhead of trying to confirm the financial status of each citizen before sending out the cheques.

Remember, they would have to check the status of every single person, not just the Millionaires and Billionaires, so the cost would be enormous and likely dwarf any saving that might be made by identifying those subsequently judged to be not worthy.
Yes, it's not quite as good as it seems though.
They've banned evictions for 3 months, but after 3 months they can evict you if you failed to pay your rent during those 3 months.
They have urged landlords to be lenient and allow tenants to pay the missed rent once the crisis is over. So as work is slowly picking up again after this crisis those of us who rent will need to be earning more than ever to pay back the missed rent.
I'm sure i'm not the only self employed person who has thought about this, supermarkets etc are on a bit of a recruitment drive, they need staff in all departments at the moment. The income would be enough to keep the wolf from the door,

It makes me wish id taken the opportunity to get an HGV licence a couple of years ago, i'd be happy to spend the next few weeks driving trucks of food around.

I couldn't do a public-facing job, not because I fear catching the disease but because I just don't have the temperament for it.

Yes, technically the ban on evictions is strictly limited but I bet it will get extended as and when it becomes clear that the crisis is going to last longer.

Also, believe it or not, landlords REALLY don't like to evict. It is very stressful for all concerned, invariably costs a great deal and takes a long time to actually achieve.

And in the current climate the chances of finding a new tenant are seriously reduced.

if you are a good tenant apart from diffuclties with the rent during the current crisis then a landlord would have to be insane to evict.
Its a good idea, but as with any plan it has it's issues.
Where does the money come from and does it have to be paid back?

It will simply be printed. Period.

(Oh to possess a printing press like one of those government ones...)
Seemingly pandemics are generally specifically excluded from them, and for those that don't exclude it Covid-19 isn't listed as it's too new. So generally speaking insurance won't cover it.

Got an email from Nationwide this morning - paraphrasing:

We will not be paying out any insurance claims for Corvid related claims from 23/3/20 as insurance is to cover the risk of the unexpected and since the virus is now a clear reality it can no longer be considered as unexpected.

IOW, FOAD (probably somewhat more literally than usual as far as this acrynym typically goes!)
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Morning all.

I have had nearly all my jobs cancelled now. Still got a weeks work ahead but then perhaps 1 day a week. I was wondering if anyone new what the government plans are for the self employed with regards finance?

This might be a good thread to add to as new government plans come out.

All I really know if that they are postponing the July tax payment.

I expect I'll continue to get small jobs over the next few months perhaps amounting to a day a week, perhaps emergency jobs only, who knows. Does this mean I'll still be able to get some financial help even though I still have work?

It's all a bit confusing.
I can guess any help will be means tested for self employed. They probably wont compensate self employed if you have savings or still some income. I mean, they havnt said anything much yet at all thats reassuring to some of us self employed. Yet they were quick to keep employers covered by offering to pay 80% of employess wages regardless of thier other incomes or savings. Its just typical, you can bet some of us will be paying for the gov's emergancy much more than others will be. Yes, the poorest allways pay more and this is probably no exception.
Correct me if Im wrong, but the recommendations are essessial work only I think, otherwise all stay at home. Any electrical work that is not essentially an emergancy probably should not be taking place where it would involve contact with others.
Having had symptoms since the middle of last week both my self and the Mrs (She has the same) have been completely isolated. All work cancelled for both of us so in effect we have no income. Apart from the the reported statutory £78 ish a week, which might not be each, we are living on savings.
The PM has just anounced only essential travel so once I'm better I can only work on emergency calls.
The future looks bleak unless we can get better scheme in place for payment there are going to be a lot of S/Es going under.
It seems S/E is being looked at.
The issue they've got with payments is they're trying to use existing systems, so amongst other things they know they're paying to genuine people and not scammers, who will of course be out in their thousands.

The U.S plan of sending a cheque for every household for $1500 or so doesn't seem a good idea when all the Millionaires and Billionaires will also get them.

The U.S. won't be sending out checks to every man woman and child, like that, so no millionaires or billionaires will get one, but even if they did, if you were a millionaire or billionaire would you really give a hoot about 1,500.00? no it will be based on how much you make, the more you make the less you will get and all will be capped at 100k or less in earnings. so if you make 90k you might get 300.00. if you made 12k that year you might get 1,500.00 but right now the dems. are blocking all of it. but again 1,500.00 isn't that much once you pay a house note, ins. power, food, car notes, gas ect ect ect, just no where near enough to cover everything. when I lived in the u.s. my house note alone was 1850.00 per month.
Having had symptoms since the middle of last week both my self and the Mrs (She has the same) have been completely isolated. All work cancelled for both of us so in effect we have no income. Apart from the the reported statutory £78 ish a week, which might not be each, we are living on savings.
The PM has just anounced only essential travel so once I'm better I can only work on emergency calls.
The future looks bleak unless we can get better scheme in place for payment there are going to be a lot of S/Es going under.
Read my previous comment which is for self employed businesses. You'll be fine dont panic.
To support self employed please consider signing the following petition.

Stay safe and healthy folks.

Having had symptoms since the middle of last week both my self and the Mrs (She has the same) have been completely isolated. All work cancelled for both of us so in effect we have no income. Apart from the the reported statutory £78 ish a week, which might not be each, we are living on savings.
The PM has just anounced only essential travel so once I'm better I can only work on emergency calls.
The future looks bleak unless we can get better scheme in place for payment there are going to be a lot of S/Es going under.

I disagree with the emergency calls comment you made. Boris said something along the lines of essential travel to and from work. I interpreted this as if you cannot work from home then you can travel to work. As I am self employed this is what I plan to do. I need to work to survive and this is essential to me. I have ordered marginally over priced sanitiser off Amazon and the receipts will be going through my books.

Thankfully I have empty properties I can work at. Hope you both feel much better soon..
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What Boris said was “Travelling to and from work, but only where this is absolutely necessary and cannot be done from home” I don’t think you working in empty houses would fall into that category. Let’s hope that you don’t contract this disease and pass it on to others.
how do i fit into this i am a self employed dosmestic appliance engineer i have stopped doing routine work and i a only responding to emergency call ie if the cooker has stopped working or a flooding washing machine i take all the precautions gloves mask wipes etc and insist the customer isnt in the same room will i be able to carry on ?
how do i fit into this i am a self employed dosmestic appliance engineer i have stopped doing routine work and i a only responding to emergency call ie if the cooker has stopped working or a flooding washing machine i take all the precautions gloves mask wipes etc and insist the customer isnt in the same room will i be able to carry on ?

Is a broken cooker actually an emergency? Not really, it's an inconvenience.

Yes a flooding washing machine is an emergency but a homeowner should be able to isolate the water to it, if not on their own then with a little phone advice.
What Boris said was “Travelling to and from work, but only where
What Boris said was “Travelling to and from work, but only where this is absolutely necessary and cannot be done from home” I don’t think you working in empty houses would fall into that category. Let’s hope that you don’t contract this disease and pass it on to others.
i certainly didn’t reply to this thread to get into any arguments or disagreement I assure you....but having money for medicine and food is necessary and if you are in a situation where by you don’t have to risk you health and your families then i am pleased for you and advise you to stay at home, we are not all so lucky.....the medication I need will kill me quicker than corona if I don’t get it so not much of a simple choice...
What Boris said was “Travelling to and from work, but only where this is absolutely necessary and cannot be done from home” I don’t think you working in empty houses would fall into that category. Let’s hope that you don’t contract this disease and pass it on to others.

How is not working when necessary to feed myself, kids and pay bills not absolutely necessary...
Your last sentence appears to me as a little dig at my behaviour Sintra. If it is then it is such a misplaced comment. Without knowing how I have been conducting myself whilst in the presence of other members of the public in the past week or two your comment has no basis.
Is a broken cooker actually an emergency? Not really, it's an inconvenience.

Yes a flooding washing machine is an emergency but a homeowner should be able to isolate the water to it, if not on their own then with a little phone advice.
you might not think its an emergency but tell that to a young family who have no way to cook food .and as for a leaking washing machine a large proportion have the isolating valve behind the machine and how many people can move a machine to isolate it
i certainly didn’t reply to this thread to get into any arguments or disagreement I assure you....but having money for medicine and food is necessary and if you are in a situation where by you don’t have to risk you health and your families then i am pleased for you and advise you to stay at home, we are not all so lucky.....the medication I need will kill me quicker than corona if I don’t get it so not much of a simple choice...
I’m not trying to be argumentative either only trying to put a point across. As for your meds if you can’t earn to buy them then I’m sure you will be able to get them covered by the NHS.
.the medication I need will kill me quicker than corona if I don’t get it so not much of a simple choice...

A call to your pharmacy or GP will likely get the supply of this medication sorted out without the need for you to go to work.
And I'm sure youre not so daft as to not have a sensible supply of this medication already to avoid running out.
How is not working when necessary to feed myself, kids and pay bills not absolutely necessary...
Your last sentence appears to me as a little dig at my behaviour Sintra. If it is then it is such a misplaced comment. Without knowing how I have been conducting myself whilst in the presence of other members of the public in the past week or two your comment has no basis.
Not having a dig but the advise from the government is basically to stay at home with whoever lives with you to stop the virus spreading between households. As for the food and bills etc. that will be sorted by government money.
I’m not trying to be argumentative either only trying to put a point across. As for your meds if you can’t earn to buy them then I’m sure you will be able to get them covered by the NHS.
They will cover the Costs yes, last year I was out for 2 months following being hit by a car at 30 mph (pedestrian) I ran out of money for pain killers after 2 weeks and they got me sorted 6 weeks later....and that was when the government weren't fighting a national emergency!....if its all the same I’m not taking the chance nor do I have the time to wait for this particular medication.....he left he’s words open to interpretation, it’s a shame we are not all fortunate enough to interpret them equally

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