Hi all.Im currently working as a groundworker on the railway.Ive been thinking about getting into electrics for some time now and wondering what is the best way to do it.At 27 im too old for an apprenticeship,I live in West London.Been looking at college courses which give the c&g 2330 award but they take 2 years and also while in college 2 days a week I cant apply to agencies/firms for work as no one wants someone who can only give a 3 day week.I came across an ableskills course which gives the same award(2330) in 8 weeks but is very expensive.So I am thinking to do this course or the olci one and then try and get a start as a mate and take it from there.What I am asking is this course enough to geta start as a mate and has anyone on the forum gone down a similar route.Thanks in advance for any advice or help lads