Recently had a 17th ed split load CU fitted in house. Garage has its own circuit fed directly from a 20 amp MCB in the house CU, which is rcd protected.
I have a couple of questions:
1, From the 20A in the house to the garage Fuse box is fed via 4ft of 2.5mm Twin & earth...is this cable size acceptable? Garage will have 2 x 80 watt flourescent lamps, and 1 radial circuit with 3 socket outlets. main loads will be freezer, treadmill and occasional Tumble dryer.
2, As its an old style fuse box in the garage, I plan to get this replaced with a 2 way consumer unit, as the house already has an rcd, would it be a good idea that the garage CU didn't have an rcd? I'm thinking nuisance tripping.
I have a couple of questions:
1, From the 20A in the house to the garage Fuse box is fed via 4ft of 2.5mm Twin & earth...is this cable size acceptable? Garage will have 2 x 80 watt flourescent lamps, and 1 radial circuit with 3 socket outlets. main loads will be freezer, treadmill and occasional Tumble dryer.
2, As its an old style fuse box in the garage, I plan to get this replaced with a 2 way consumer unit, as the house already has an rcd, would it be a good idea that the garage CU didn't have an rcd? I'm thinking nuisance tripping.
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