Hi, i'd appreciate a bit of help with this one if poss. Went to look at a job on a TT installation, property was a single story bungalow and has since been developed with another floor. As usual everything has been immaculately decorated, floors laid etc..and no thought given to the electrical services!! New owner is very realistic and happy to upgrade bonding, along with a decent bit of extra work.
I have checked and there is a 16mm earth from the earth stake/rod outside which goes directly into the C/U. there is no bonding present on either the water or gas. C/U is in the middle of the house, gas is positioned on the outside wall about 5 - 10 metres from the stake.
Ideally I would like to run bonding from the gas and water to the C/U but this is not an option, I'm all for a challenge but the route has me beat.
One solution I thought of would be to create a MET near the gas position and join the main earth and gas/water together, possibly in a weatherproof enclosure, obviously clearly labelled at source and at C/U. Property is RCD protected also.
Not ideal I know, looked at regs and can't see anything directly against it, any thoughts? Thanks in advance.
I have checked and there is a 16mm earth from the earth stake/rod outside which goes directly into the C/U. there is no bonding present on either the water or gas. C/U is in the middle of the house, gas is positioned on the outside wall about 5 - 10 metres from the stake.
Ideally I would like to run bonding from the gas and water to the C/U but this is not an option, I'm all for a challenge but the route has me beat.
One solution I thought of would be to create a MET near the gas position and join the main earth and gas/water together, possibly in a weatherproof enclosure, obviously clearly labelled at source and at C/U. Property is RCD protected also.
Not ideal I know, looked at regs and can't see anything directly against it, any thoughts? Thanks in advance.