a bit off topic, but back in the 70's and 80's, my core business was \t|V repairs. the dust that accumulated on the PCBs was massive, due to the electro static attraction with up to 25kV floating round. a soft paint brush and a vac soon sorted that. done usually with the set switched on so i could see if anything stopped working while cleaning. however, the dust rarely caused any problems.
Hello telectrix,
Your message is completely `on topic` as the OP / Peter had originally been asking whether excessive dust on the PCB and other Electrical components within his Heating Boiler should have been previously cleaned off during the Servicing of the Boiler.
He described how dust can cause problems with Electronic items such as PCB`s - something I am sure would almost never be looked at by most Heating Engineers or Electricians when Servicing or Repairing / Replacing Electrical Components on a Boiler.
However I did mention that under normal circumstances `excessive dust` would not be found on a Boiler PCB or Electrical components / Connections.
Your example of PCB`s within a TV is interesting - I think that I am correct in thinking that We generally don`t have the facility of the `TV Repair Engineer` visiting our Home`s and repairing malfunctioning TV`s anymore - so the `internal components` never get any dust removal that might have been done in the past which You described - as additional `preventive maintenance` while a Repair was being carried out.
The TV`s in my Home - 2 of which are hanging on Chimney Breasts - have never had any dust removal because they have never had the backs off for any reason - when I have tried to even remove the dust on the rear of the top of those 2 TV`s [on an 8 step pair of Steps with a vacuum cleaner hose / nozzle] some of it definitely goes into the vent grilles - that is without the dust that falls into the grille slots throughout the years.
Although You mentioned that you were not aware of any problems caused by dust on TV PCB`s etc. - from the OP / Peters description of what dust can cause on `Electronics` - I wonder how many TV`s have malfunctioned and perhaps just been thrown away / replaced because dust caused the `Breakdown` ?
If any of the wall mounted TV`s in my Home malfunctioned they would obviously have to be taken down - but I don`t know of any `TV Repair Engineers` anywhere near my area of London.
And taking 50" LCD TV`s to somewhere like Curry`s [if they repair tv`s ?] - getting a Repair for a reasonable price and expecting to get it back without scratches etc. all over the `Piano Black` frame seems unlikely to me ?
Would You say that `Modern TV`s` were more susceptible to be affected by dust because there are more Electronic components ?
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