Only when the LP system involves steeples, chimneys or other higher structures with no means of normal access. Normal building LP systems which make up the vast majority of the LP systems installed, are most certainly not installed by steeplejacks, ...they are installed by competent electricians!!
Slight misinterpretation, Steeplejack and LP are the same NVQ2, so able to 1 is able to do the other. Or it was last time I enquired. There is an NVQ3 being written as I type for a LPS NVQ however its a few years off. However most are not installed by competent electricians in my opinion. My experience are that the likes of Omega Red, Best, Baileys etc don't employ all that many electricians and certainly don't pay electricians rates. Most big companies are set up and operated by the old furse crowd from when they split and from all that I speak to non specifically employ electricians to do a majority of the work.
After all lightning protection is just mechano for adults on a large scale