I think most of the cost of getting it done with them will count for their labour not so much of the cost of the battery. Maybe they can sell me the battery cells made up and it will be a case of swopping overTry those guys:
Bosch Drill Battery Replacement 24v 3.0Ah Ni-Mh (B) From County Battery - https://www.countybattery.co.uk/drill-batteries-/bosch/bosch-24v-30ah-ni-mh-drill-battery-replacement?gclid=CjwKCAiAyrXiBRAjEiwATI95mabiad7Ktx0FNS_QYGycSvgilOm3fqlDnaLehezHDpVjmuB6UWt3XBoC5J4QAvD_BwE
They can even rebuild your own battery...