What ever side of the table you sit one has to remember we are in a very powerful negotiation, on their side they have many armies with crappy weapons and we have a small army with a big weapon, it is a game of chess and will go to the 11th hour, every major international negotiations always goes to the last minute and this is no different, normally it is behind closed doors so we don't really see how it plays out but now we are front row seaters we are seeing a game of will and misdirection.
Take the Irish border, this is a massive red herring and designed to stall and instil a sense of despair etc into the voter, for a year post the Brexit result we were on good ground with the Irish PM and we actually agreed that it wasn't a big problem to extend what already happens over the border with VAT and other tax differences and then the EU realised after trying to play all its other cards like Gibralta, or the migrant camps coming over to the UK (even though it is a UK/French arrangement external to the EU ) that it was clear we were leaving, roll in a meeting with the Irish PM and the EU big wigs all of a sudden we have dragged the peace agreement into it, the so called impossible issue of a soft border etc etc, note here that a prominent IRA spokesman expressed that Brexit would not effect the peace deal in any way and the times of violence are behind them.
There is absolutely no issue with the Irish Border that cannot be agreed on with a simple solution that has already been offered but here we go back to the EU trying to stall it and for their own interest they need to ensure the whole leaving process appears to be a massive failure and catastrophe for the UK, if they just agreed and made it simple then this would encourage other countries to follow and trust me there is no shortage of them that now are thinking about it.
The way the EU will win is if May gives too much and doesn't take us fully out of both the S-Market and the C-Union even an extension on these would see us paying 10's of billions into the EU as continuous members until we reach another date by which time they concoct another way to keep us tied up.
There is so much scaremongering based on supposed surveys and polls created by groups and institutions that are biased through vested interests, funding and/or simply have a extremely bad record for getting things correct.
All I ask is if anyone can tell me any documentary the BBC has done to promote the Brexit outcome and give a positive angle, I can name several that have shown the opposite... the problem is most people lap this up without realising the sheer bias, misinformation, misrepresentation and deep internal conflicts of interest the programs shown have.. the BBC gets hundreds of millions in EU funding indirectly or directly but you either listen to there excuses or judge it for what it is.
Citation for those who need one below - a quarter of a billion isn't loose change!
Early day motion 791 - EU FUNDING OF THE BBC - https://www.parliament.uk/edm/2007-08/791