an accountant friend of mine also pointed out to me that you dont exactly NEED a business account anyway
Rob, your accountant friend might be better as your friend and not your accountant!
In my humble opinion, it makes little sense to try and run a 'real' business from a non-business account, why not just keep your money in an old shoebox under your bed?!!!
If you're trying out a new business venture, then yes, by all means muddle through for say 3 months but if you take your business seriously then with free online business banking available then it's just plain lazy not to use it.
I can think of a couple of very worthwhile things a business account gives you;
1. Credibility - a chq with a company name on, to pay a matching invoice (for example). A bit like a hotmail or yahoo address being compared to a one
More importantly credibility with your bank, and should you wish to expand in future years, you'll have a clear track record to go alongside your business plan at that time. Even if a personal account that you know is actually your 'business' account, happens to be flourishing, your bank will
never recognise it as such (they can't as you've
not been tranparent in your business dealings).
2. Accountability - every single transaction is accountable and so it will (or should) have a corresponding entry in your accounts and be identifiable by auditors. HMRC or whoever. With the best will in the world, the fact that you can effectively do whatever you like with your 'own' accounts means your business account simply needs to live somewhere else!
Hope I've not got anyone's back up, it's just common-sense that's all..