I'm confused with that one Mr DS? It may have an upfront RCD of 100mA or greater so would need 30mA protection on this new work. Come on.. put me on the right track (looking for smiley with a deep, accepting sigh).
I can't see the reason for confusion?
No self respecting spark would rely on 30mA RCBOs alone to provide earth fault protection, therefore that's the reason behind fitting an s-type up front for back up protection. The only thing is, with a SP RCBO, it won't disconnect a N-E fault, meaning that such a fault would take out the up front s-type.
Two options here, fit DP or SPSN RCBOs, or, fit a dual RCD board.
The former of those two options is limited to either those who can afford to pay for really expensive gear, or, those who are prepared to have what in my personal opinion appears to be cheap and not very well made gear fitted.
99 times out of 100, fitting a dual RCD board with up front protection is the only realistic option on a domestic TT system.