I guess then you live in an area they have destroyed. I find toolstation bit more moral (that is not a hard achievement), generaly at-least attempting to offer UK/EU made options even when not forced, and generaly listening to sparkys about which brands to stock, now including Click, Wera, Heller or V-tac( I know that one is hit and miss) or UK made cable (Doncaster), but losing it by numbers stocked. One of mine local branches keeps 3x25mm appleby metal backboxes as a "full stock".Fair point, @baldelectrician ...but as you say, you use Screwfix as a back up...or for stuff that wholesalers don't do! and that can be quite a lot of stuff.
Havent done a job close enough to be within a range, but I have pulled an owner of mine local shop at 10PM to come to the shop and get me a new 3 phase fusebox when badly fited one in a local hostel got quite a lot of watter in keeping >50 guests without power. (Pitty they wouldn't let me post a picture of that box...and while i'm on a roll. has anyone tried the Screwfix on-site delivery in an hour for an extra fiver?
That has to be nuts!
The mutt's nuts
The canines cojones...
Gotta hate screwfix, as If there is a company which will abuse their controll ower manufacturers its kingfisher (owners of Screwfix/B&Q), wether its pushing manufacturers to lower standard to lower Price, when the manufacturer is at a quality low enough to be beeten by chinese then offering chinese version cheaper under screwfixes own brand and when it goes bancrupt lifting chinese items brands price above the originals... (though this is more known as a tescos approach in Europe), wether its the kingfishers habit of bringing cheaper (lower quality) Chinese version of the products (rather then better Europe made version) and when company protests abandoning the brand all together (No more Siemens Thermostats).
Then its a case of taking better makes to china and having them "nearly" copied, but lot cheaper (Those LAP sockets might be sh*t but front used to look suspiciously like click sockets ant their best salles) and then putting their chinese imitations in searches in front of originals while making it harder to focus on a proper (UK/ EU made) originals,
Such as in case of flomastas JG imitations (I know its plumbing) , which when you search, and try to filter by brand, the UKs no1 sold brand wont get displayed as an option untill you chose "more options".
then there are tons of their own brands (could believe that half of all the brands their sell, but did not check) often making them sound german to trick customer.
With the buying power, they can get cable directly from china/turkey so their costs would be lower then that of smaller retailers, but outside price will be more based of what they can charge, rather then cost...
And no, most quality brands just cant manufacture in quality under that kind of pressure, so many of the best brands like Click, Wera, Heller, Bahco, Hagger, Scame, Hilty just aren't there. For quality you have to go either to smaller retailers or online
Reply to the thread, titled "Cable % mark up by retailers ???" which is posted in Electrical Tools and Products on Electricians Forums.