Its like 25mm or something daft, 6mm is ok for sockets, 25mm is pushing itWhat CSA do you get if you calculate for a radial?

Its like 25mm or something daft, 6mm is ok for sockets, 25mm is pushing itWhat CSA do you get if you calculate for a radial?
I think to be able to draw any conclusions Mate we would need a more detailed schedule, supply information, details of the load requirements etc, to avoid any bad feelings I'm going to retire from this thread.I did say i didn't think i'd explained it very well Pete. the problem is that yes i will have 8 RFC doing 40 total sockets, I still have the issue that an RFC is still going to be 300m on the longest.
I'm more than capable of doing the work i was only looking for a nudge in the direction of how to calculate cable size on a RFC, i dint ask anyone to do it for me or even pass me a link to a page, just a nudge in the right direction.
I think to be able to draw any conclusions Mate we would need a more detailed schedule, supply information, details of the load requirements etc, you mentioned that the client may need to add things at a later stage, or that's how I read your first post, this type of installation method, of suggesting that the best way forward is to install some sockets, and see what transpires at a later date is not the best way forward, I take it that this is not a Premiership Club you are working for, more than likely a lower tier outfit.I did say i didn't think i'd explained it very well Pete. the problem is that yes i will have 8 RFC doing 40 total sockets, I still have the issue that an RFC is still going to be 300m on the longest.
I'm more than capable of doing the work i was only looking for a nudge in the direction of how to calculate cable size on a RFC, i dint ask anyone to do it for me or even pass me a link to a page, just a nudge in the right direction.
No problem, thanks for your input.I think to be able to draw any conclusions Mate we would need a more detailed schedule, supply information, details of the load requirements etc, to avoid any bad feelings I'm going to retire from this thread.
Pretty much, but at least they know they wont get more than 32A from the circuit. i think the idea is much like a cleaners circuit, you know that only 1 or 2 will actually be in use at a time.Again, I'm probably misreading this but, am I correct in that they have asked you to design these 8 RFC (40 sockets) but are not willing to clarify what is being plugged into them?
Okidokie, thanks for the help. I was planning on using a 6x6 JB and coming out of there into the socket so I'm along the same lines of thinking as you.That length of run, you’re looking at 10mm2.
Could make off into adaptable boxes and then spur off in 2.5mm
Not much help really, but you are welcomeOkidokie, thanks for the help. I was planning on using a 6x6 JB and coming out of there into the socket so I'm along the same lines of thinking as you.
Many Thanks
yeah my main incomer is 400A Switchboard, i've then got a 3ph DB in each stand.Is three phase available?
Could you run a supply to a point then supply temprary rubber bricks for 16 amp distribution?
At a guess these are for food style outlets such as burger vans which mainly run off 16 amp commandos.
I've not even approached the subject yet with them over if they want to sockets locked so punters don't start charging their phone or fire up a 3 bar Electric fire for the winter games haha
Reply to the thread, titled "Calculating Cable Size for Ring Circuit" which is posted in Electrical Wiring, Theories and Regulations on Electricians Forums.