It's almost as if they just want you to stick your head in long enough to find a few C2s and C1s, fail the EICR then quote for remedial, if you're lucky they'll do the full testing during the remedial (I know).Please Tell your friend, to carry on doing the work at the pace he sees fit to achieve a nice safe compliant Job, with no stones unturned to complete his EICR's . HE MUST NOT Let ANYONE Bully him into taking shortcuts and producing falsified EICRs. If they Haul him in the office, then he needs to ask them straight "Are you asking me to take shortcuts" because the job isnt possible in the time you are stating. Innocent peoples lives are at risk here, It take some Balls to do it - I have been in the exact position years ago, and i actually told the person who was grilling me "How can you give a window of time for a Job, you are not actually qualified to do, or indeed have any experience of doing".