A Re-wire is a notifiable Job under the building regulations Part P
Notifiable jobs must be either completed and certified by a Registered Competent person or
If work is carried out by none registered person Notified to the local building authority (LBA) BEFORE work commences. This is done by completing and submitting a building notice to the LBA, forms availalbe from LBA office. While in there why not ask about the local procedure before filling in the form.
The LBA should complete a visual inspection at first fix stage to check the work complies with ALL aspects of the building regs. The LBA inspector should then find out who will be carrying out the Initial verification Inspection, testing and Certification and be happy that that person is competent to carry out this work on completion. This is usually done by the installer producing certain recognised qualifications typically NVQ3 , 2382, 2391 to name just a few. Again no consistency between different councils check locally before work commences
The problem is that many LBA's do not have suitably qualified inspectors in their employ and so different procedures are adopted thorughout the country
This in my opinion is the BIGGEST problem with part P no consistency and no funding for LBA's to fulfil their correct role in the whole system.
You need to complete 2 jobs before you can register. Technically these 2 jobs may need LBA involvement if the LBA only uses sub contrctors how can you qualify to register in that area.
It is not the best system in the world is it. Maybe the Govt should look at other systems in countries like Australia USA and Canada, but that's another story.
Hope this helps