I'm wanting to build a little test board - little consumer unit, rfc, maybe a radial with an fcu, couple lighting battens/switches - so I can practice testing at home. Now, I've had a look and the cheapest consumer unit I can find is around £30 for a 4 module enclosure. I've seen an MK sentry 6-way for ~£45 which would be the perfect size for this little project, but before parting with my cash I wondered whether anyone might have an old plastic consumer unit lying around that they could donate to a good cause? You might have something that's been long lying in your garage, perhaps something that you've taken out of an old install, and has no chance of ever being used again, but is in good enough working order for me to utilise?
So, the cheeky request is, if you're in the north east (Durham/Gateshead area) and can help me out, I'm willing to come and collect.
So, the cheeky request is, if you're in the north east (Durham/Gateshead area) and can help me out, I'm willing to come and collect.