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I just don't get it! here in Scotland we were the first to ban smoking in public places but all the political parties couldn't agree initially on a minimum price for alcohol which is a far more serious issue up here than smoking and now they want to ban smoking in cars! Here is the news guys i am what is deemed legally to be a responsible adult i know what is good for me and what is not so i do not really need laws telling me so! It is my right to do whatever i want within the constraints of socially and legally acceptable parameters!

Ps. just in case you think i have issues with any side in this debate i am a non smoker and have never smoked but i acknowledge the rights of anyone to smoke where they choose as its their choice made of their own free will.

they want to make it legally unacceptable, once they do this the old power goes to the head......they do bad things abroad and treat people like dirt there, then they think "woo we got away with that one easy, lets do it back home"
What I always used to think (I've recently quit..again) was why should you as a non smoker have to put up with my bad habit just because I have a nicotine addiction. I always found lighting up in a restaurant for example, absolutely appaling bad manners.

And thats true of many smokers trev
I don't have objection to any ban on smoking that impacts on the non smoker,my whole familly are non smokers

However,there is a world of difference between a government doing something they feel is right,backed by consensus and accepted, whether reluctantly or not and that government taking axe to freedom of choice

My car,is my business,other than complying with mechanical safety, ins and driving safely,its got nothing to do with some political wanna be, who should have much more important things to keep them occupied

It may however be needed so that any fines, imposed for making a personal choice to smoke in your own property, can go towards the 40% cost of the pay rise these cretins are thinking of awarding themselves
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What I always used to think (I've recently quit..again) was why should you as a non smoker have to put up with my bad habit just because I have a nicotine addiction. I always found lighting up in a restaurant for example, absolutely appaling bad manners.

Listen mate if you want to dye your hair shocking pink and smoke then its your choice end of! In the world we live in there is too much intolerance so live and let live i say. I do appreciate the consideration you give to non smokers but at the end of the day its your choice to smoke where you want and if i had any issues with it then its my choice to confront you about it!
It's like many things though mate, I like walking the dog but if he takes a dump outside your front door, or anywhere else for that matter, I'm duty bound to remove it and dispose of it properly. You may not like dogs so if he wanted to have a sniff of you I have to stop him doing that, similarly with the smoking thing, why should you have to tolerate a bad habit you don't have?
A lot of people would feel too intimidated to confront someone about something they don't like so imo, it's best to show a little consideration for others
they want to make it legally unacceptable, once they do this the old power goes to the head......they do bad things abroad and treat people like dirt there, then they think "woo we got away with that one easy, lets do it back home"

The point i was trying too make at stupid o'clock this morning is this....the parameters don't need to change! We are all adults who can make an informed choice we know what we do, eat, drink etc is sometimes bad for us but its our choice! And while were on the subject how many times have we been told by some government think tank not to eat something only to find out later is all crap and some other think tank has disproved what we were told originally....its a step too far
It's like many things though mate, I like walking the dog but if he takes a dump outside your front door, or anywhere else for that matter, I'm duty bound to remove it and dispose of it properly. You may not like dogs so if he wanted to have a sniff of you I have to stop him doing that, similarly with the smoking thing, why should you have to tolerate a bad habit you don't have?
A lot of people would feel too intimidated to confront someone about something they don't like so imo, it's best to show a little consideration for others

I for one appreciate the consideration shown and can understand the confrontation thing. Your example however is just showing to me how considerate you are so why should i have a problem telling you to do one if you light up in front of me....i wouldn't simples. Its all about the choices we make at the end of the day and i really dont think they should legislate to limit my choices...its just wrong mate

Its getting to the point in this country that we truly will have nothing to lose except our chains as marx put it!
BY the way Electricity can be bad for you so maybe we just shouldn't work with come on government do something about that...oh wait a minute that may lead to the cowboys and scams getting it tight and you may lose money so perhaps not then

rant over sorry guys it just gets to me
A lot of people would feel too intimidated to confront someone about something they don't like so imo, it's best to show a little consideration for others

Its the reason we have 2 arms.
The left arm for tapping them on the shoulder whilst saying "excuse me please" and the right arm to allow a hook or uppercut to be delivered in close succession :hammer::sifone:
A lot of people would feel too intimidated to confront someone about something they don't like so imo, it's best to show a little consideration for others

Its the reason we have 2 arms.
The left arm for tapping them on the shoulder whilst saying "excuse me please" and the right arm to allow a hook or uppercut to be delivered in close succession :hammer::sifone:

I like your way of thinking
well, i'm smoking for britain. the tax i pay on smokes helps to run the nhs, provides free treatment for drug addicts, teenage pregnancies, alcoholics, keeps MPs in their 2nd homes, duty free booze in the house of commons. if it all went to treatment of our wounded soldiers, i'd not complain at all.
Pubs first, soon to be cars?... Oh wait a minute, you forgot smoking happens in the home too.... for now anyway!

Unfortunately these laws do get passed by the idiots in power. I think of it like this, the more they rub us guys up the wrong way and give us something to moan about the less concentration is given to how much they earn compared to how little they actually do. It's quite literally a smoke screen! They'll be passing themselves another pay rise any moment no doubt!

I have recently given up smoking again, first time I quit for 2 and half years, second time for two and a half years and so far 16 days under my belt. Don't you be thinking that I supplemented my addiction in any way mind, oh no. The reason I chose to give up is because I resent how much the habit costs. I actually enjoy(ed) smoking but I often consider the health implications and the massive impact on my wallet :(

My Wife continues to smoke, in the kitchen like we have for years. It doesn't bother me much apart from the fact that she has the heating on full blast with the door wide open lol
i don't smoke in the kitchen. it would be unfair competition to the wife's cooking.

My wife is a great cook, in fact she is a total angel sent straight from heaven.....and to answer the obvious question....yes she is sitting next to me reading this .... with a look that says i will kill you lol!
wont be long before they start with the smoking ban in social housing. conditionality is creeping in at all levels of the governments policies now. i do smoke myself but even in my own car if i am with someone who does not then i get out at the services to have one but thats my personal choice and so it should be too. i think the meddling of governments over the years has gone way too far. lets crack down on the real crimes first before we start on the easy touches
already banned from smoking in the open air at car boot sales if on school playing fields. what harm can that do to anyone, ffs.
Just seen the news today and they are on about making smoking illegal in cars,now I don,t know how anyone else feels but I think its a step too far.I pay for my vehicle,tax, insurance,mot,fuel,etc it,s mine and if I want to smoke in it I will,I very rarely have passengers in the vehicle and when i do if they do not smoke neither will I.However trying to make it illegal is a step too far when someone else pays for my vehicle then they can tell me what to do in it.It,s a daft idea,how about this one,my mate was a truck driver and was stopped at a red light when up popped a pcso and gave him a ticket for smoking in the truck.However he was informed that as he is a tramper and away all week then at night the truck is classed as his home and he may then smoke in it!how daft is that,whats next I wonder,telling you what music you can play on your radio.

Sod that! If I'm giving somebody a lift and they don't smoke, they can get out or deal open a window! I hardly blow smoke in their face and will always hold the ciggy in my right hand so the smoke from it naturally gets sucked out the window as the taxi drivers used to do some years ago.

I can't stand these laws coming in involving smoking. I know its bad. But we don't have to do the things the country does do to stop it!

Grrrrrr gets my back up!
As a NON-smoker il 'air' my possibly unwelcomed view but all i ask is you read fully before throwing your dummy out.

A study about the harmful effects of second hand smoke in cars has concluded that the levels of harmful chemicals was 3 times above safe levels in a car when the smoker had the window open and even higher closed now the ban was in relation to children in the car and not an out-right ban; dont be gullable to the national rag stirring the pot to create a story.
Here's where i sit if i have a smoking friend and he wants to give me a lift il ask if hes gonna smoke - if so il find alternative travel as its his car his habit and my choice to sit in a tin box with him although i would find it polite if he refrained but if not i wouldn't begrudge them.

Now where kids travel with smokers in a car i find this really disturbing if they light up as they are affectively slowly poisening and altering the bodies growth cycle, brain development, learning skills etc and this isnt just me throwing random points in the air its the results of 50yrs of study, you also contribute to the licklyhood of your offspring developing the habit by a large percentage.

Older generations will find it harder to adapt to modern times and tend to be set in theirs views without budging but what you find now is younger parents actively no longer smoking in the house but outside as residual smoke resides for days within the house so even if the kids are out its not going to be any more of a benefit as they will come back into the environment even though you think your keeping them out of it.

So my view is respect my space if you smoke and il respect your habit but it really winds me up to see mums in their mum-buses on the school run smoking away with car full of kids - its a form of child abuse in my mind and if you laced their food with the same harmful chemicals over their childhood you would be jlooking at serving time for it, because society has grown around smoking in the early days as a non-harmful adult habit its taking many decades to reverse the trend but now we know how unhealthy it can be attitudes are changing very quickly but those caught out are the mid to older gen' who remember a more relaxed view to smoking and these groups are finding it hard to see the reasoning behind any anti-smoking laws brought in.

But just to re-iterate as is in the OP about a total ban it was never going to be and has quite rightly been mentioned it couldn't be policed... i mean look at those still using mobiles while driving, it was a suggestion to protect children in the car and a ban was been looked at if you had kids in the vehical and nothing more.... just media spin doing what it does best.

So out of interest amongst you smokers who agrees at a ban when kids are in the car now test have shown winding the window down is still poisening the kids?
i seen ya with flat head up ya nose on britians craziest drivers

Oh thats why i keep getting funny looks, i thought it was because im a female driving a transit van at 80mph in a pink hi vis coat!

i will try leave my screwdrivers in my tool bag in future!:wink_smile:
When Roy Castle died of lung cancer, it was reported that he developed it through working in smoky working men's clubs and such. The fact he wasn't a smoker makes me wonder. When my daughter was a baby, I remember a lorry driver threw a smouldering dog end out of his cab and it landed inside the pram on my baby's face. Luckily I removed it quickly and screamed abuse at the driver. If people are going to smoke then at least be considerate FGS.
Thats it in a nutshell,as I said earlier if a non smoker gets in my car then I dont smoke,that is my choice however I refuse to be told what I can and cannot do in a car which I pay to own and run.
Disrespective smokers are a pain in the butt.... Fullstop!.... their habit comes with a personal attitude problem on all those that question their addiction and although they have no appreciation of those that don't smoke they feel that society is unfairly prejudist against them. In contrast a smoker who has a little empathy can understand the addiction they have and the effect it has on others, i do recall in my early days a lad was smoking in the pub and been a pain he kept blowing it in my direction... i politely asked him not to and his response was dont come to the pub if you dont like smokers!!!!

After i poored my drink over him i kindly responded dont come in the pub if you dont like my second hand drink stinking you clothes out and upsetting your night ....

I have absolutley no issue with other peoples addiction but the minute it effects my health or i have to change my habits im afraid il stand my ground, with all due respect smoking is a legal addiction but dont become like a (xxxxxxx) and expect everyone else around you to have to change their ways to accommodate your addiction, viewing smoking from a different angle would be to class nicotine in relation to its potency and addictive traits and its sits in the top end of the CLASS A catogory so just because its legal and recognised and in common use its the fact of the matter that you are addicted to a CLASS A drug so its no wonder you will defend your habit irrespective of whether your argument holds any ground.

To note as my leading sentence suggested it only aimed at the disrepective smoker who thinks its within their right to smoke anywhere irrespective of where they are and who it effects.
Even though I'm recently an ex smoker, before the ban I always thought it was the absolute height of bad manners to light one up in a restaurant. A little bit of consideration for those around you costs nothing.

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