My entry:
My entry board for a sparks competition being held on the 18th:
Two circuits; One lighting circuit Switch 1 controlling light 2 and switch 2 controlling light 1 done in 20mm high impact PVC Conduit with the other circuit being a ring final with two single sockets, a joint box and a switced fused spur. Both circuits are connected to a Garage Unit(A small consumer unit basically) due to my board in college being a bit smaller than it should have been I was told to move it down by 150mm.
Forgot to take pictures of the first fix but started by measuring and laying out the back boxes and GU then by shaping and cutting the conduit to size:
90 Degree left bend, 45degree 50mm offset, bending spring used to bend the conduit and the circuit as a whole.(And yes the blue PVC tape was taken off the wires)
It was only my third time bending conduit so these are the practice pieces :lol: all the 90degree bends were too tight and the radius needs to be at least 2.5x the diameter of the conduit.
Then used a cable pull to pull singles through the conduit with a permanent live going from the GU to SW2 then from SW2 to SW1.
The Garage Unit. Which isn't my fault it's so rough, it was the only one the college had :lol:
Then began to run 2.5 and clipping every 30mm, beginning of a run and before/after a bend(pictures taken later since I forgot to)
Once first fix was done I began second fixing starting with the joint box since they're so awkward :| especially so low to the floor.
Now looking at it two of the wires could have being sheathed less so there's around 10mm in the box.
then went onto the Switched fused spur then the switches then lights, sockets and finally with the garage unit
On the GU I was sure to twist and double over the connections for the lighting circuit as it's good practice with one wire going into a terminal that can accept two wires.
Beautiful ain't it?
and being sure to leave plenty of wire in case of future alterations(obviously not in this case but in real world installs)
in the case of the Live and Neutral for the ring final I didn't double over since it's two cables into one termination but did for the earth since it's slightly smaller in diameter
Garage Unit wired although it is messy.
Board done.(And I forgot to get a photo with it all done)
Bonus photo!
A shotgun made by one creative classmate complete with working pump action :lol:
This post took quite a while to type out and upload each individual picture also if a mod could be able to rotate any pictures as needed if it isn't too much trouble please?
Big thanks for glenn for being generous enough and putting in the effort for this competition and robb for his donation. Going to have a look at the other entries now, good luck everyone.