Rob Smith 643
At a recent 17th Edition update course, uproar broke out in the canteen (well nearly) over the use of a fused connection unit to supply a lighting circuit in a bathroom from a ring main. While talking about special locations, it had been suggested by one guy that if there was no spare way on the RCD side of the consumer unit (old '16th Edition' board) then he would consider spurring from the upstairs ring with an unswitched FCU to supply the lighting solely for the bathroom and take the bathroom out of the upstairs lighting circuit and leave a notice to this effect at the consumer unit to fulfil the need for plans/diagrams of alterations. This was offered up (not by the trainer/host I might add) as an alternative to spending X amount on RCBO or if RCBO was not available for an older style CU. Some nodded and thought it was ok but others argued, including the trainer that it would cause problems with seperation of circuits and hence not be 7671 compliant. Its a tickler...
Any thoughts from more experienced members...? I can almost hear the outcry now!
Any thoughts from more experienced members...? I can almost hear the outcry now!