I would agree maintenance is less prevalent in domestic situations, but I also find it too much of a coincidence that there has been a surge in fires since people were allowed to do short courses and qualify as domestic installers! I think that just using non combustible boards or enclosures was suggested by London Fire without them knowing the full situation regarding training or installers. I don't know about you but it's very rare to get a call out to a board that's gone on fire.
As for plastic boards in commercial, there's thousands out there! Shops, pubs, nursing homes. It all comes down to the design of the install and what architects, customers etc want to have installed.
I'm required to install non combustible in domestic but if a commercial customer wants a plastic board I won't tell him that it's unsafe or a fire hazard! I have full confidence in my own ability, training and more importantly experience to be happy leaving a job knowing that my connections are fine and have been checked. I also make a point of returning to board changes a couple of days later to recheck the connections after the cables have 'settled' so to speak. How many domestic installers have the experience to know that there may be a bit of movement especially on the bigger cables?
I'm not slagging off domestic installers either, the majority of these guys genuinely believe that they are paying for good qualification, the problem lies with the training providers and scams for encouraging the courses. It all boils down to the top brass lining their pockets!