I have had some of my posts removed as they are “offensive.
I can’t rememer the post
“all Muslims are rapists being removed” seems standing up against fascism is more offensive then racism.
And what your doing and saying isn’t “fun”
It’s offensive, dividing and fosters hate.
Some of the views being espressed on this forum are the same sort of beliefs and ideals that drive Islamic fundamentalism . You are no better , your of the same ilk, cut from the same cloth. Your motivated by anger and fear and you foster hate.
Trump has done one thing, given the dirty underbelly of our society, the confidence to rear their ugly heads.
If you honestly believe we should take away rights from the poor just because you think you are better, because you work , then, you are sick and twisted.
Contrary to popular believe our takes don’t pay for public services. The government demands we pay tax to give our currency, the Pound, its value. If, instead, the government allowed us to pay our tax in dollars, then we all might rush off and exchange all our Pounds for dollars and start using those instead to buy and sell things and pay tax.
But if we did that, what would happen to all those lovely Pounds the government created.They would devalue.
Tax also helps the government control inflation. Collecting tax literally removes money from circulation, stopping it from being spent and therefore limiting the amount of trade that takes place in the economy.
Public services are paid by the uk using its tax base as collateral to secure loans from private banks, opon which we pay excessive interest.
It is possible to buy-pass this and borrow strait from the Bank of England interest free, as we did to bail out the bankers.
Regardless of this ,everyone, and I mean everyone is entitled to acess to public services. It is something to be proud of how we try and help others in society in less fortunate circumstances , granted it doesn’t always work and isn’t perfect, but it’s a measure of a
Civilised society how hard we try, to improve the lot of others.
We are all a product of our experiences and interaction with the world mainly from our early years. I volunteer mentor ex convicts just realised from prison, and I tell you now , if you had their upbringing, you would be them.
The NHS is free and open to all, and thankfully there is enough decent human beings in the country that hold the view that everyone should be treated equal.That means everyone.