Remember to factor in the cost of replacing the transformers too as they will last from anywhere between 3 months to a few years depending on various factors,(make,installation design,usage)Hello - I am,as you will notice new here. I hope that I can get some definitive answers that are clearer than I get on-line and talking to 'those who talk the talk but know little'!
I have given up on trying to correlate teenage girls and their complete lack of understanding why light switches are stuck on walls, so I am looking at ways to counteract this - ie running cost!
Low voltage lighting. I have 23 low voltage lights each with a 50W bulb driven by a a small 220/12V transformer. The transformer has two bits of info: PRI - 230-240Vac 50/60Hz 0.28A, and, SEC: 11.7Vac 20-60W SELV equivalent.
Now, questions please
1. What is the actual draw of current of this array - is it 64.4W (230 x 0.28A) per light, or is it 50W per light?
2. I am looking at replacing these with LED GU10 bulbs. On the box these are marked 3.6W = 35W. Am I right in interpreting this as a 3.6W draw and the equivalent of a 35W incandescent light? - ie if all my lights are on, as they usually are, the total current draw is 82.8W (23 x 3.6) and therefore I can get 12 hours on a Kwh of electricity?
Explanations in plain English are appreciated! Thanks!