Hi all.
am a newly qalified domestic spark, all my past experience is on auto electrics! however i am hoping to start up on my own as i cant find employment at this time, i have just been asked by a friend to rewire 2 down stairs lights and 1 bathroom light, aswel as rewire a ciruit for a dishwasher, i dnt is just the wire for that circuit not the hole ring mains! am confidant in doin all this, am just unsure wot the qoute of this would cost! because this is a mate il charge him just for materials! am defined scope Part P with 17th! i am goin in for Full scope in 2 weeks. how will i go about certifing this? will i need to get it tested and inspected to?
hope any one can help me on this 1! am new, wot can i say
thanks for takin time to read this to

am a newly qalified domestic spark, all my past experience is on auto electrics! however i am hoping to start up on my own as i cant find employment at this time, i have just been asked by a friend to rewire 2 down stairs lights and 1 bathroom light, aswel as rewire a ciruit for a dishwasher, i dnt is just the wire for that circuit not the hole ring mains! am confidant in doin all this, am just unsure wot the qoute of this would cost! because this is a mate il charge him just for materials! am defined scope Part P with 17th! i am goin in for Full scope in 2 weeks. how will i go about certifing this? will i need to get it tested and inspected to?
hope any one can help me on this 1! am new, wot can i say

thanks for takin time to read this to