I'd also leave the single socket connected where it was as anything plugged into it would gain protection from the fuse in the plug top. To be honest, it doesn't present an immediate danger so while I think it's terrible and we would all love to give it a C1 I think a C2 (potentially dangerous, urgent remedial action required) would be more appropriate. After all, it would still result in an unsatisfactory report on that alone.
For it to truly warrant a C1 there would have to be danger present so unless there's exposed live conductors or cable damage then there isn't danger present.
Gary I am bemused at this as far as i am concerned it would take me 5 minutes to resolve and I have fixed about 20 of these types of problems in the last 25 years and i just cannot understand why anybody would leave it like this I even found an alarm connected this way on a survey so I removed the CU cover and relocated the cable on to a 5 amp circuit the customer was impressed he even said to me that does not mean I will give you the job and I said well at least I can sleep at night 2 weeks later his wife phoned to say i had the job and when I was doing it she said there was somebody who was £40 cheaper than me but his level of service was take it or leave it