Ha, ha...err yeah sounds reasonable, do you accept Woolworths vouchers?
What route would you advise for someone like me who actually wants to be an electrician because it interests me, rather than to just have another job. I'm coming to the end of level 2 - 2330, with 17th just before start of level 3 and I've also signed up for the NVQ 3, I would like as much range as possible and enjoy all the technical aspect having worked in the printed circuit board industry before. Give it a couple of years then a testing qualification?
You see Lee that's how loads of lads in your situation are gettng conned. You're given the impression that to take domestic work you need that qual but if you're installing to BS7671 you're installing to part p. What you will need for domestic work is scam registration but the minimum requirement is holding the 17th