My golf course is a 10 minute walk from my house. I could easily take my clubs and play a few holes without meeting anyone at close range, so I advocate some relaxation...except i don't really. As soon as you allow one sector to carry on, you open the proverbial flood gates. However, i do use the golf course for my daily walk, and a huge bonus is walking the whole course without losing any balls, which is a first for me!
On another point entirely, my wife has taken on the sewing of "scrubs bags" for NHS workers, and also making fabric masks with twin pockets allowing insertion of extra material to help spreading droplets etc. The scrubs bags allow the scrubs to be carried home and laundered at 60 degrees, and the masks are just an extra layer of protection for people who have no access to "commercial" masks at present. Nicola Sturgeon has advocated the use of such masks, and demand has rocketed h ere in Scotland. People donate old sheets and pillowcases and other spare fabric, and my branch of the Men's Shed is collating the collection and delivery of the cloth to those who are engaged in the sewing process. My wife delivered 50 masks yesterday, and 20 scrubs bags, and is working flat out on her numerous sewing machines to try to produce as many as possible. She has been inundated with requests, and money! She tells folks she does not want any money, but instead to donate to good causes, and the level of donations has been incredible.
I am delighted by the attitude of so many, including my neighbours...I fixed the door-entry system 2 days ago...the buzzers were erratic, and at a time when so many home deliveries are taking place this was quite important. It was an easy job, took 15 minutes, but each flat gave me a tenner to donate to a charity. For fun, I even replaced the 2 bulbs which illuminate the push-buttons and which apparently burned out 10 years ago! (Thanks to RS who had the replacements at my door in 2 days...I just don't know how long they will last, being on 24/7, but maybe someone on here could advise?)
Anyway, covid-19, how are we doing? I think many are coping well, and those who are not so fortunate can be assured there are many people out there doing whatever they can to contribute something. I salute you all.