I was called to a house where they said the fuse for the sockets kept blowing.They had kept replacing the fuse until it didn't blow anymore but now the sockets have no power!.
When i arrived to have a look they said another electrician had come out and in order to fix the fault had replaced the consumer unit! The sockets still had no power to them.
Anyway i had a look and found the house to wired in rubber cable.Obviously the blasting had totally destroyed the conductors blowing apart the fault and now was sat there with no power.
I turned my attention to the consumer that the 'electrician'(and i use the term loosely) had fitted.
Heres what i found.
http://i.Upload the image directly to the thread.com/OVG1tOt.jpg
He has used the old cotton covered tails and fed it through an unbushed hole with the red clearly digging into the consumer unit.
Also the main earth cable looked like it was only 2.5mm!
http://i.Upload the image directly to the thread.com/ADKv2od.jpg
No earth bonding to gas or water.
Heres the inside.
http://i.Upload the image directly to the thread.com/ooOlYg2.jpg
Needless to say there was no certificate,no labels,no part 'p' notification etc.
I am gob smacked at the incompetence of this so called electrician.
What do others think?
When i arrived to have a look they said another electrician had come out and in order to fix the fault had replaced the consumer unit! The sockets still had no power to them.
Anyway i had a look and found the house to wired in rubber cable.Obviously the blasting had totally destroyed the conductors blowing apart the fault and now was sat there with no power.
I turned my attention to the consumer that the 'electrician'(and i use the term loosely) had fitted.
Heres what i found.
http://i.Upload the image directly to the thread.com/OVG1tOt.jpg
He has used the old cotton covered tails and fed it through an unbushed hole with the red clearly digging into the consumer unit.
Also the main earth cable looked like it was only 2.5mm!
http://i.Upload the image directly to the thread.com/ADKv2od.jpg
No earth bonding to gas or water.
Heres the inside.
http://i.Upload the image directly to the thread.com/ooOlYg2.jpg
Needless to say there was no certificate,no labels,no part 'p' notification etc.
I am gob smacked at the incompetence of this so called electrician.
What do others think?