First of all I have to confess I am not a plumber so please bear with me! I have a Daryl enclosed shower in an ensuite bathroom. It was already installed when I moved into my house in 2006 and was probably around 10 years old even then. The other shower components work fine, but the top shower head throws out water from the sides, and not that efficiently from the shower holes themselves, so is clearly in need of replacement. I have given it a really good deep clean, but no difference. I have contacted the new owners of Daryl with no luck and also contacted National Shower Spares (UK) again with no luck. The problem appears to be the connection which is 1" and, as I understand it, is no longer standard. I have attached 3 photos of the shower head and the connection part on the shower unit. On the connection part there does seem to be a part where a spanner might be used to reveal the parts behind under the plastic cover, but that is jammed solid and I do not want to force it in case I break the plastic unit itself. The plastic unit itself has two small Phillips screws, but they are almost impossible to get at and even my dumpy screwdriver cannot budge them (jammed solid again). I fear this is mission impossible, but any thoughts or advice would be really appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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