I had a long chat with SMA today about this subject, and they are aware of a number of installations done this way (no DC isolators) - that's not to say it's right or they approve, just they know of some.
The problem is the fact that it is DC.
In THEORY, pulling the ESS switch on the Inverter will isolate the DC from the inverter, however, especially on their larger inverters this can only be done at night (little voltage / current) otherwise you could easily get massive arcing sparks and a bang! The inverter then goes into maintenance mode and you've probably lost 12 - 24 hours.
The above is why converted AC isolators don't work on DC, as the contacts break, (even in a DC isolator) you get arcing across the contacts, with AC this isn't a problem as the voltage goes to zero 100 times / second, with DC through an AC isolator the contacts can easily get welded, burnt, or even still be arcing, so although you think it's switched off, it isn't.
And live PV cables at up to 1000V and 15 amps isn't a good idea.